Monday, November 20, 2017

Red Hot Poker In The Winter Garden

What a surprise to see a nice clump of  Kniphofia (Red Hot Poker - Torch Lily)  blooming in the garden when I took a walk outside to see "What's What !  It has been a few days since I have been outside .  The garden is changing colors and dropping leaves quickly day to day .

The Red Hot Poker plants have been here since before I moved here .  They have never seemed to do well until this year .  I understand they require proper moisture and not hot dry conditions .  The plants bloom more as they get older and left in the same location for several years .  Since I have been outside working a lot this past spring and summer in the garden , they have gotten a lot more water than usual . Like Gladiolus, they bloom from the bottom up .  They are blooming probably for various factors .  And, I like it !

The fig leaves are carpeting the ground  in a lovely bright yellow color .  And, the blooming White Chrysanthemums  on the right are drooping their large heads as they are filled with rainwater.

What an inviting view coaching one to take a cup of tea out to the garden for a little sit down time to enjoy the beautiful changing colors .  Look at that singular Yellow Fig leaf in the middle of the Orange Crepe Myrtle .  Is that symbolic for something ??

The Hydrangeas are fading away but still doing well with the rain and all.

These  persistent  Roses are still trying to bring joy even with the heavy rains we have had !

Well, I have to wrap this up and get on the road up the hill to my Medical Appointment.

Wishing you a Fabulous Day.


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White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
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