Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Cleanup Is Starting - Between The Heavy Rains

There is so much to do every which way I look .  And there is only one remedy and that is to just start .  So, that is what I am doing .  I have already filled 8 trash barrels with branches, leaves and weeds and it doesn't look I have even started .  
I am not sure how many plants will not make it through the snowy winter .  The Yellow Chrysanthemums and Mountain Grass are in question .
Some of the neighborhood flowering trees are slowly starting to "pop" some blossoms .

I certainly have not had a great amount of energy to get a lot accomplished during our long unusually cold, wet and white winter .  I am looking forward to turning my energy switch (sunshine) on and turn the (winter) switch off !

A Good Week to All Of You .


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

It's Been One Year

Since I drove almost all day to pick up Precious Ivy from a cat rescue foster home .  Her previous life of six years had been very traumatic for her and the family who had her from birth no longer wanted her.  She was far more of a "special needs" cat than I had any idea she could be .  Along with the hissing and biting I soon learned that she was also deaf .
I am so pleased to say that she has developed into a very gentle little girl that has learned to trust me and is a great little companion who accepts my idiosyncrasies as I deal with her idiosyncrasies .  None of us are perfect !  She is an indoor cat and the deafness is really a non-issue .  Surprisingly, hand signals have become useful and effective .
I am so glad that I have been able to provide a loving safe home for her to live out her life .
Like many cats she is frequently very entertaining in her antics jumping and running or just staring at something (that I can't see?) on the ceiling !  She will be happy when the weather warms and she can be outside in her Catio .  Aren't Pets wonderful ?
 Love your pets and two legged creatures every day . It feels good .


Saturday, March 9, 2019

In Time Past

Like many others, for years I always had a seasonal flag hanging from the front of my garage .  The flags were in lieu of a front door decoration since my front door is somewhat hidden from street view . There were many flags in my collection ( probably still in the garage) , however, there was one that I was particularly fond of . It may be because during those years we seldom would get snow at this 2000 ft elevation.  But, as you can see there was one year that warranted a very special recognition of the season .
No snow today but another rain storm predicted to start later today .  The sky was bright and sunny earlier but now the sky is darkening at noon time. I was able to run some errands yesterday but still need to take the household waste to the dump . Hope to do that today before the rains start, again .

Well, I didn't get to the dump !  I got side tracked and started to clean up the patio and driveway .  I have had some concerns about falling over some of the deadwood limbs and stuff that has fallen on the cement where I walk .  What a mess !   I sure hope I can find some help with the outdoor maintenance .  One of my neighbors have had a lot of trees fall and there are a lot of trucks over there and it is being cleaned up .  Maybe, I will get to the dump tomorrow if the rains don't start .

I heard on the news this evening that come Saturday we may have a temperature of 70 degrees .  That would be so nice !  It's been weeks, maybe months (at least it seems that way) since warmer temperatures .

What a Winter !

Hope everyone is doing well , at least dry, warm and safe .


Sunday, March 3, 2019

If It Isn't Rain - It Is Snow

These lovely Daffodils are fighting the good fight and trying to stand upright ! But, the pounding rain and snow makes for a big challenge .
The camellias are anxiously awaiting some drier and warmer weather .
Water - water  - water everywhere !

It is really a big mess outside .    I had to manipulate a little drainage revision since the black drain that goes underground is clogged .
A little food prep of Chicken Thighs with artichokes and tomatoes.
And Baked Beans for a winter day.
I thought this photo was quite lovely !
These photos are from the last snow that fell a few days ago .

Yes, that is a lot of snow for this part of the state of California .  I hope this is not going to become the norm for us.

With the weather that has been keeping me indoors, I'm getting a lot of cleaning-out and downsizing accomplished .  It won't be long before my file cabinet will be photo worthy .  I never want to waste time again looking for a "certain paper" .  It will be wonderful to have my home organized again like it has been most of my life .

Good wishes for Good Days and Comfort as you live your life to the fullest and rising above any obstacles that are burdening You.


White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009