Monday, January 14, 2019

Busy As A Buzzing Bee

The new year has brought me a vitalized attitude with all kinds of ideas . But, before I start with that I want to comment on "to blog or not to blog".  As many of you may have noticed many bloggers have made the decision to no longer blog .  I have been on the fence about that idea for quite some time now .  Come June, it will be 10 years since I embarked on this challenging, stimulating, wondrous, educational, loving and very enjoyable adventure.  For now,  I will continue blogging, but on a less frequent schedule so that I can get more accomplished in my home and not feel pressured if I have lapses in blogging.
Now, what are all these guys doing?
It looks like they are ganging up on me.  If it isn't one of them it is another that is shouting for attention !   Very recently, the dishwasher (ten years old and not one minute of trouble) has decided it wants to leave water in the bottom when it is turned off.  Not good !  I like everything to smell good and that certainly would change that.  Many of you know that I don't shy away from challenges of household maintenance, mostly because my budget would not expand to cover the expenses.  However my forays into the world of repair have resulted in many successes.  And, I guess it is "now in my blood" and I like the feeling of success !   So, lets give it "A Go".
When I start to disassemble something I always fear I will have leftover parts. Sometimes I chart as I go - but not always.This is the bottom where the water accumulates and the filter is in the bottom.
Almost no debri or mess!  See the white X marks.
And the next level down is clean also.  This is the first time I have used my Shop WET vac.  Wow, it worked great.

OK, that wasn't the problem.  So let's look for blockage in the under sink hoses/plumbing and garbage disposal.
Lots of gunk but no blockage. Cleaned all connections and reassembled.  Everything at this end is fine and draining very well.  The next step is to pull the dishwasher out from the wall and check the flow switch and pump!  I have to think more about that.  Call appliance repair ? ? ?
A little cooking going on - even though the oven temperature fluctuation is giving me fits !  The stove is also ten years old and the fluctuation has been an issue for quite awhile. In the past my repair of the heating element and temperature sensor arm have been successful .  This may be the circuit board ! ! 

I'm not kidding "those guys" are ganging up on me !!
   Country Style BBQ Pork Ribs turned out GREAT.  Oh so tender.
 And, I have been making a lot of salads lately including Three Bean Salads which are good for me and I like the variety that I can create with ingredients that I add.
 Time to sign off with a little photo of my sleepy "lovebug" !


  1. Mary, your pork ribs and salad looks scrumptious! Here we are certainly more inclined to want to cook and bake since it’s so cold outside. We feel a bit like hibernating bears, only ones that seek comfort food, too! My mother had that problem with her dishwasher. After not finding any obvious reason why, one time she decided to push the cancel button when she knew the cycle was over, instead of allowing it to display CLEAN when it was done. By hitting cancel, it forced the dishwasher to drain the residual water out of the bottom! Maybe if you did that your water would drain, too? I know it still doesn’t explain why that is happening, but at least keeps the water from sitting stagnant and getting all nasty. Maybe it’s a breakdown in the “brain” of the operating panel?

  2. P.S. Ivy looks as snug as a bug in a rug! Oh, so adorable! Always enjoy your posts whenever you get the chance to share your thoughts or goings-on! But do understand how time to yourself to do your own things is also important and needed. {{{Hugs!}}}

  3. It would be sad to see your blog go black, but I do understand that sometimes life has other priorities. I remember when you repaired the oven a few years were amazing! I hope all goes well with the dishwasher. They are very expensive to replace these days. I love, love, love three bean salad!!



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009