Friday, February 1, 2019


This is from today's (Friday) newspaper .  Noteworthy !

Snow levels will start around 6,000 to 7,000 feet today. This will drop to 5,000 feet on Saturday. Snow levels will then range between 3,500 to 4,500 feet on Sunday .  By Monday, the snow levels will range between 1,000 to 2,000 feet.  MY Location is 2,000 feet.  We just may get a significant amount of snow.     I must mention that this is California .  This activity is considered "Fun Weather"!  Be assured that I have great concern for the well being of all who are subjected to the dangerous weather in other parts of the world . 
The completion of the installation of a new roof has been completed between rain storms.  The company that I selected did a great job from my view point .  They were prompt and very efficient .  Only one plywood corner had to be replaced due to wood rot .  Which is good but a little surprising .  I think there is a good possibility that the drain spout at the corner is somewhat blocked and not draining the way it should.  I have used pressurized water to insure that the gutters are clean and to attempt to dislodge any build up in the downspout but it is looking like I will have to open the downspout to investigate more thoroughly .  May have to use a "snake" to clear the obstruction !
I have enjoyed having my weathervane on the rooftop for many years.  The rooster was bright and shiny copper when it was installed .  I have decided to polish it and spray it with a sealing lacquer  to maintain the beautiful cooper brightness .
The end of winter is creeping up and there is a lot of work ahead of me . With the high winds this year there is a lot of downed dead wood from the many large and old trees .  What a color contrast from anticipated springtime color !
Again, I have prepared Country Style Pork Ribs. This time in a CrockPot .  The ribs have been at a good price and are so easy to make  - - - and taste good  .  I also made some roasted asparagus with olive oil, garlic and parmesan cheese .  So Good !
I think this is the only spot of color in my garden at this time of the year .  So simple and I like it!
Even though there isn't much color , there is interest in texture .  In the left photo we have lots of green moss and in the right photo there is a lot of Lichen.  Lichen is a composite organism that arises from algae or cyanobacteria living among filaments of multiple fungi species in a mutualistic relationship .    Bet ya didn't know that . 😏
My next big project will be to decide on a color combination to paint my house .  The current color of my houses is yellow and I like it but I would like to make a little change . I am thinking about adding some shutters that are painted a blue color .  Shutters can be easily removed if the house ever has to be "Sale Ready".   Just an idea but the house definitely needs to be painted this year or it will be a lot more expensive because of the worsening condition.  It would be so nice if my house had windows on the front !!  To bad it isn't a nice little cottage design . This next google photo is an idea about colors .
I was wondering about my interest in the color blue and then I looked around my garden and what did I see?  Surprise, surprise - - - Blue Accents !

Can you believe that January is already in the History Books?

Sending Happy Healthy Days to All in February .



  1. Love your only little bit of color in your yard! My only color is from the Cardinals and Bluebirds at the feeders. I really like blue colored glass, and have a variety of colored glass vases and bottles. Yellow is also a favorite color of mine. I think it makes your house look very cheery, it I can understand the need for upkeep and maintenance of the house, so why not a new color while you’re at it? I’ve always thought a sage green house with black shutters is a nice combination whenever I see it when we’re out and about in various neighborhoods. One house even had a white picket fence along its sidewalk in front of the house, and I thought the white added into the combination looked very nice as well! I’ll look forward to learning what color(s) you choose! So very happy you’re able to get these things done that will help keep your home in tip top shape. :)

  2. Blue shutters would look terrific against the yellow paint. Either navy blue or a purple hued blue. Your roof looks solid and should last another 30 years. I remember many years ago when your small town was overwhelmed with snow. Stay safe and warm!!!



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009