Sunday, August 30, 2020

Do You See What I See

Probably Not !
Because, I could not get close enough to photograph these tiny sweet birds that have been flitting about in large groups throughout my garden for days - and - weeks !  The little red stars represent where I could see a tiny bird .  When they approach it looks like confetti floating down into the bushes and trees .  
Let me  introduce you to the Titmouse . They look so tiny compared to all the other birds in the garden at this time of year darting here and there .
No , No , No , I was wrong . It is not a Titmous .  It is a Bushtit .
I thought it was one or the other . And , I checked with a close friend - who knows "her birds" .  The Titmouse travels singularly and the Bushtit travels in groups-flocks .

Well - A few days ago , my air conditioner stopped working !!!  So , after checking the filters and turning the power off I proceeded to take the outdoor unit apart ! Yep - I really did .

Unfortunately , the air conditioner is very old .  Probably , as old as the house which was built in 1972 .  It is Rheem Furnace-Air Conditioner combination unit .  It looks like the capacitor is failing to start the fan blade and possibly the compressor .  Just my speculation from what I have learned by studying repair videos on the Internet and taking a few things apart . Since parts may no longer be available I called for the Air Conditioning "guy" to come out . It took a couple days before he could come .  I really can not live without an air conditioner !  And , unfortunately the recent days have been very hot with the tail end of the heat wave . Surprisingly , he was extremely complimentary about what I had done and my opinion .  After he tested some parts and reconnected some wire connectors that were loose he said it was running great .  I'm surprised you didn't hear my sounds of delight ! I could hardly believe my good luck .  No expense for parts or perhaps the expense of a new unit which could cost around $5000.00 !  He double checked everything and put it all back together and it is just purring along and cooling my house .  He was impressed that I had labeled all the screws I removed and that made it very easy for him to put it all back together .  What a happy day it was !!
And , if that wasn't enough aggravation , my kitchen Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier System decided that it wasn't getting enough attention and stopped working which has left me without cold water at the kitchen sink .

If a turn-off valve had been installed at the time of the purifier installation I would be able to use cold water at the kitchen sink . Well again I started investigating the cause of the problem and I have discerned that the water holding tank needs to be replaced .  I have replaced all the filters and now I am waiting for the new tank delivery . The delivery has been over a week already and no confirmed delivery date . I have called to register my complaint .
 And , there is more . My bathroom toilet is misbehaving . The toilet tank flap needs replacing . What would I do without the Internet ? I had to go to two different places to get the right size . So , tomorrow I will work on that .
I still have some more power washing to do at the front drive way. So. maybe I can get that done soon .  Along with the garden maintenance I have been very busy and getting a lot done even though my body tries to put a lot of restrictions on me. Yes , I listen to my body and take a lot of forced "time outs" even though I do not like it .
The new Blogger format has just about sent me to the "Looney House" with frustration . I have read how others are displeased .  I thought I was doing OK , but not so .  This posting has taken forever and I had to return to the old format . And , that is not working well for me either . Not Happy .
All of this hard work helps me distract from the horrible world affairs as well as the turmoil on the United States home front!
Now , how is this for a traffic update in the local newspaper today.
Traffic Update - - - Hit & Run With Stolen Goats in Roadway Near Burson Rd & Carol Lane.
Yes , that is one of the charms of living in The Country !
A bright face growing among the watermelons in the wine barrel .

Hope you are enjoying the end of August and feeling well and safe .


1 comment:

  1. Oh Mary-you certainly have had a time of it this month. Here's hoping September will be much smoother. I love flocks of little birds! We have finches here who gather in masses in a carrot wood tree behind our backyard fountain. They play in the water and sing so sweet. Take care and don't do too much.



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009