Saturday, August 1, 2020

Poor Performance

My tomatoes in the raised garden bed did not give me the results I was hoping for . There are only a few small ones on the  bushes .  It is disappointing after I did all the work to prepare the soil . There are a couple possibilities why the poor performance . Not enough sun .  Lack of fertilizer .  However , so far , I have one very nice zucchini that is planted at the far end of the raised bed and it gets a little more sun .  And , it looks like there may be more !
Now , look at this . I planted a couple watermelon plants in this wine barrel that has great new soil and is at the end of the raised bed and gets a lot of sun .  Since taking this photo it is twice as large and lots of blossoms !  It is wait and see !
This is my first attempt at using the new blogger format . I already had to research how to resize photos .  I had to turn off the image lightbox in blogger settings .  It seems to be working .  But , I don't know if there is now something else that is a problem by turning it to - off !
I'm not in the best mood for all this change stuff !

I have had six months of very favorable results with the change in my medication  to assist with the symptoms of seasonal effective disorder . For which I have been extremely happy .  However, I started having some side effects that became concerning as well as intolerable . The most annoying was a disgusting  bitter taste in my mouth . Additionally , occasional rapid heart beat , swollen ankles and strange dreams . Not good .  Talked with the prescribing doctor and he was familiar with the side effects I am experiencing and has recommended reducing the dosage since the current dosage is high .  So , now I am waiting for the new prescription to be filled . The process should go smoothly but for some reason it is not and I have had to make several phone calls !  In the meantime I have resumed taking the previously ordered medication that I had been taking for years .  Of course , any disruption in medications can , but not always , effect how you feel . And , I have been feeling rather poorly . But , at least this should eventually smooth out .

I think it is worth noting that I probably am reacting somewhat to our current world affairs . I try very hard to not focus on the crazy insanity and it takes a lot of strength to not have some reaction to it .  I think I have been away from the house only about six times since all of this started with the pandemic .  As you probably know , my love of my garden has been a huge blessing that helps to focus on nice things but as of late my physical endurance is not what it has been in the past .  I expect to feel better soon .  Ivy says , "cheer up mom" .

I hope all of you are finding ways to take good care of yourselves during these very unusual times !



  1. Tomatoes are very slow here this year. I keep watching and waiting. Gardening is a good way to relieve stress and get some exercise without going very far. I hope that you have good success with your medication change. All this uncertainty in the world can be very difficult.

  2. I hope the new medication helps you feel like yourself once again very soon. Don't allow the anger and bitterness get the best of you in these trying times. Working the garden and enjoying nature goes a long way to improving one's physical and mental health. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a large crop of watermelon from your vine.



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009