Sunday, May 15, 2022

Vivid Memories Sixty Three Years Ago - And before ROE V. WADE

Graduation 1959 - Age 19 
It was 1959 when I was finishing Registered Nurses Training in Los Angeles, California completing my Pediatric Internship at Children's Hospital.  It was one of the largest children's hospital in the state with a large research facility. I will NEVER FORGET seeing the many rows of infant metal baby cribs (not bassinets) in one of the wards that was specifically for babies/children born with severe birth abnormalities. The memories are still vivid and extremely clear in my brain at this moment because of the sight of such unimaginable horrific sights of little human beings with bodies that were so deformed inside and out and many times unrecognizable!

Birth defects are structural changes present at birth that can affect almost any part or parts (e.g., heart, brain, internal organs, extremities). They may affect how the baby looks, functions or both and can have serious, adverse effect on the health, development or functional ability of the baby. Birth defects can vary from mild to severe. 

That was the way of life at that time before WOMEN had any RIGHTS ABOUT WOMENS RIGHTS REGARDING THEIR BODIES.

This is only one aspect regarding Roe v. Wade that I have personal knowledge and opinion! I have never been an activist and have been very reserved regarding political preferences.

However, throughout my long life I have had experiences in knowing very well women who this subject is far more dramatic and serious.  I have had a close friend that shared with me her experience of a "back-ally abortion with a coat hanger" at the insistence of her husband! Subsequently, hospitalized and near death! She was the mother of three chidden who could easily lost there mother!

Another close friend from the past was "A leader in the fight for reproductive freedom. She served as Reproductive Rights Chair for NOW. She was one of the co-founders of the Feminists Women's Health Center and the self help clinic, the first female group to accompany women for abortion services in Los Angeles County. She traveled around the U.S teaching women how to do self exams (1969-1972). She was one of the women arrested (1972) at the Center in L. A. for practicing medicine without a license. She had 11 charges and served two years summary probation. She was court ordered not to work in the Center.

Thereafter served as Reproduction Chair with CA NOW and continued working hard as a strong advocate for Women's Rights. She was a contributing author of one of the first books written on this subject, Feminists Who Changed America 1963-1975. In 2006 a follow-up book was published about the Second Wave of Women's Movement.

These are tragic situations that have impacted my being as a Women by just knowing these women! I  take note of the tremendous  number of women who are and have been affected in so very many unthinkable ways!  And, I wanted to share that current legislative actions have so many facets to what is being recommended. Study, thought and action is necessary before decisions are made for a civilized life.

In this ever changing and extremely challenging world we must continue to look forward to a life that protects the fate of humanity.


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