The house exterior is going to be painted in June ! I am starting to get excited about it . I am firm on my color selection of Yellow with Royal Blue shutters and Royal Blue front door . This google image shows the color combination I am hoping for . I have been looking at shutters on the Internet . I am thinking , possibly paintable vinyl with a simple design . There are only six windows in my little house and my painter will be installing the shutters . The shutters should not be very expensive and I am hoping they will give my little house a little bedazzle, but NO rhinestones 😏 .
I like this style shutter . They will have to be painted my choice of color . Maybe I can use the same spray paint as I used on the table and chairs . At least the same Blue color tone .
This is one of those plants that is considered by most "As A Weed". Remember one of the meanings of a weed is any undesirable or troublesome plant, especially one that grows profusely where it is not wanted !
The White Tulips have finished blooming and the White Iris have started their performance as they sway in the slight breeze .

I am still enjoying my Blue Bottle Tree .
Of course, I have been spending a lot of time in the garden.
Many years ago when I moved here there was a couple areas of ground cover (Prunella Vulgaris) and I thought that since my physical ability did not include mowing a lawn I thought it could be a substitute for a lawn. Through the years I propagated the ground cover by collecting seeds and sowing them the following year to fill in bare areas . The larger healthy plants in this photo are Daylilies and I am looking forward to them blooming, especially with the rains and the soil amendments and fertilizer I have been able to add this year .
The summer flowers of the ground cover are a bluish-purple . This is the way the ground cover looks when it is getting enough water and flourishing . This photo was taken a few years ago . The flower stems are even coming up through the holes in the chairs !
Recently I ordered seeds of Prunella Vulgaris so I can try to fill in the bare spots of the ground cover I think they have arrived at the Post Office already . I will check today . The Blue Shutters and all of these accents of Blue in the garden may work together very nicely.
And - a little walk further in the Garden
I think the color combination for your house will look spectacular. Please remember to post photos during and after the painting process for us to see. Your gardens are looking so nice and healthy. I bet people strolling down your street enjoy seeing the beautiful flowers in your yard. I just transplanted some tiny basil I grew from seed from one spot in the garden to a sunnier spot. They did not even wilt-basil are very hardy plants!!!