It's about time that I catch up with you about all the things that have kept me so very busy . I probably would have gotten this posted sooner if I had not misplaced or lost my cable used to transfer the photos from my camera to the laptop . Looked EVERYWHERE! I had to order a replacement . Is this another sign that the years are zooming past me ?
Let's start with the GOOD . I am so happy to tell you that the change in my medication for Seasonal Affective Disorder has helped me immensely ! It took about three weeks before I started to notice how different I was feeling ! It has been so wonderful to get up in the morning and feel "right with the day" whether it is sunny and bright or NOT ! What a wonderful difference . I am so happy that I persisted with the doctor until I was able to get the help I have needed in such a very long time !!!
It is always the right time to celebrate with a little ice cream in the sunshine . Even though I am still having difficulty with lack of appetite I have no problem with my desire for ice cream whatever the time is ! It may sound a little corny but I really feel like sunshine most of the time .
Don't want to forget to mention that finally the generator that I purchased about six months ago has been installed . It's nice to know that if the power goes out for any prolonged time , I will not be cold and - - I can have hot coffee . Oh, the creature comforts of home that we so easily can take for granted !
Tomorrow it will be two years since Miss Ivy came to live with me . I guess I should say, since
I chose her to live with me . And, it has been pure joy . She now spends her time snuggled close to me whenever I am am sitting or laying down which has been quite a lot lately . I really did not think that she would ever become that comfortable , trusting and attached to me .
The weather has been quite remarkably nice lately . However , I must not overlook the reality of how serious it will become if we don't get some much needed RAIN . The plants , trees and gardens have started to show the first baby steps into spring with their little busts of green growth and sprinkles of little bits of color . The beautiful tree across the street looks like this , entirely covered in blossoms . Fabulous !
And, now - a little of the BAD . Look at this mess in my outdoors . I have not been able to work in my garden let alone clean up in preparation for a colorful spring and summer garden because of unusual very severe back pain . The kind that has "stopped me in my tracts". It makes me very sad .
For the past month or so , I have been experiencing increased pain level in my back and left hip . BOO-HOO . A very BIG BOO-HOO ! It has been terrible . It so closely resembles the Severe Pain when I first herniated my L4/L5 disk in my low back many years ago in September 1992 and subsequently had to have surgery to decompress (reduce pressure) the nerves as well as assist in recovery of left foot drop whereby I had no control of my foot because of nerve impingement .
Working as a Nurse for years certainly did not help my small body maintain optimal skeletal health. It was hard work especially considering that we did not have the help of orderlies (as they called them later) and transfer equipment to assist us with moving patients with heavy plaster casts or turning heavy patients who were not to turn without help following cataract eye surgery which required to be bedridden for a week following surgery . Oh, those were the days . Sounds as bad as being a child walking in the snow to school, doesn't it ? Oh, how did I get This Old ?
The fact that I have always been physically active doing one thing or another can be a "double edged sword" . My body still has a lot of mobility because I don't spend a lot of time just sitting around but my back vertebrae are simply old and worn out !!!
And now , for a little Ugly ! Just look at my spine MRI (taken in 2017) and it's messed up curvature and poor quality of vertebrae/discs along with a worsening scoliosis (sideways curvature) . And, maybe (most likely) worse now in 2020 . It really amazes me that I have been able to be as physical as I have been . Probably the fact that I try to pace myself and limit my time working in the garden to three hours maximum has helped .

The dictated report notes that all of my lumbar disks (that would be L1 through L5) are either moderately or severely bulging . Just exactly, what does that mean .
Well , it is better than I had remembered when I read the report in the past........
Basically, it states that I have
Spondylosis , also known as DDD (Degenerative Disc Disease) which is a condition that usually occurs due to aging. It is progressive deterioration of the discs between the vertebral bodies . The discs lose moisture and shrink , losing their cushioning effect between the spinal bones , the ligaments become weaker or thicken , and the bones can develop bony growths or spurs . My report shows that I also have spurs . Spondylosis can cause pressure on nerve roots causing subsequent pain or tingling in the legs . A primary difference between a herniated disc and a bulging disc is that bulging discs are "contained" . There is no rupture or tear present inside the disc's outer layer . Herniated discs may start out as bulging discs , but they create so much pressure on the discs outer wall , it causes a rupture .
Because it has been a long time since I was familiar with the many terms used to describe the numerous spinal abnormalities I thought I would post this information . It may be helpful for some of you .

Spondylolysis is a fracture in the vertebrae . As we age the bones weaken and a stress fracture may occur . This type of fracture is simply a crack in part of the vertebra and may cause no problem at all. However, sometimes the cracked vertebrae slips forward over the vertebrae below it. This is known as Spondylolisthesis .
Spondylitis affects the spinal column . It can cause inflammation and stiffness between your vertebrae - - - the bones of your neck, spine and lower back and pelvis. Spondylitis can attack ligaments that connect muscle to bones and other connective tissue.
The back/spine is so much more complex than this little snippet of information . Treatment is based on pain level, patient interview and diagnostic imaging .
I certainly do not see surgery in my future even though it has been recommended for at least the last five years or more . I think the risk factor is to great and I could end up in a worse situation . I have already had a multitude of procedures with minimal noticeable benefit . I am thankful for a pretty high pain threshold ! Especially , since "real pain pills" no longer are available . I started taking Aleve . Helping ? I really don't know . Sadly, no gardening .
I have ordered a new back brace that is a little different than I have had in the past . And, also some new shoes with a substantial arch support .
Have you heard of Tonal Chiropractic approach ? Maybe next time I'll say something about it . This is certainly more than enough this time .
Another , but horrific subject , next time . But Please - - -
Good Wishes to All of You and I Hope You stay healthy.