Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Neighborhood Wildife Visiting

It is amazing what our outside cameras capture in their frame while we are asleep!

For some reason (possibly climate change - drought and fires etc.) there have been a lot more wildlife visitors a night.  DON'T WORRY.  Not at my home. But, about 5 miles up and beyond the nearby highway.  

Five Lions On A Driveway

There have been many many photos on Nextdoor.com of neighborhoods that I know well and that are not very far away.  The above photo was taken only a few miles from my home . There have been so many photos taken by residents that are absolutely amazing to me.  And, lots of videos.  I wish I could show you some of them. 

The videos of the bears getting into mischief are some of my favorites .  They are so masterful at their craft of finding something that is eatable .  Opening a car door handle is a natural for them . Rocking the car back and forth is so laughable .  Breaking into windows and tearing off wood siding is something that takes a little longer!  They are very tenacious especially when they are hungry!  And, it seems as though all the wildlife are very hungry and thirsty this year.  The videos of Mama Bear and her babies scampering around are such a favorite of mine.

Some of the animals that are commonly seen are Mountain Lions, Black Bears , Coyotes, Gray Foxes - - - and  (Racoons - - They like chickens)!   And, all of them can be very dangerous .
Please don't misunderstand my enjoyment of the wildlife antics .  I will always be respectful of their existence and their place in the world . And, I am very sensitive of the damage of personal property, their surrounding environment and personal life!

Now, lets enjoy a video of a Mama Lion teaching her offspring about navigating the wilderness.   Don't I Wish - We could do that!   

Hug your Huggable Animals .


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