Saturday, June 4, 2022

How Could Our Country Of Intelligent Human Beings Get Us Into Such A Mess About How We Live Our Lives

I guess it is easy to answer quickly because it seems simple even though it is very complex.  What is missing.?  What went wrong?

Kindness regarding how we treat each other - - - - - 

No, that's not a good idea to go there.  I would have to write for days !

But - - - what brought me to the post title is the most recent disastrophe of the doctor being killed in Oklahoma.  If you read my blog you know that subject could alert my emotions.

First off !  How did the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Industry and Government get us into such a mess with promoting medication that can kill each and every one of us if not cautiously monitored and restricted ? ? ? ? ?            Note:  MONEY.

Then, after years of total destruction of a multitude of human beings - - - take it all away without an alternative treatment plan ? ? ? ? ?

Why should people suffer so tragically that have terminal or chronic or immediate post operative need without a program that is individually developed , closely evaluated and very closely monitored for effectiveness and safety ? ? ? ? ?   

The current Pain Management Specialty Doctors do not provide the immediate care needed at the time of pain medication termination.  Perhaps, specifically trained staff would be necessary to provide the immediacy of the service. Appointments can not be scheduled 2 months out !  It could be similar to a Traveling/Home Care Nurse that meets in safe locations to provide the specialty care.  The current system is near criminal in my opinion!

The frustration, stress and danger for the Physicians/Surgeons and Patients during that critical time period is avoidable if the time gap is filled with a timely positive pain medication reduction program.

And of course there is the issue of how OUR country has allowed the horrendous number of illegal/altered drugs coming into our country.  It is so ineffective to try to "close the barn door after the horse is gone".  

Just a  few of my simple viewpoints !  A lot of talk gets nowhere . Immediate action is needed.  This current situation could have been avoided ! ! !

Wishing you a healthy and happy weekend.


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White Garden 2009

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