This is the kind of day (very hot) that stretching out as far as you can might make you feel cooler. What do you think?
Taking a little time to "freshen up".
What are you doing today?This is the kind of day (very hot) that stretching out as far as you can might make you feel cooler. What do you think?
Taking a little time to "freshen up".
What are you doing today?And, especially stunning in the garden!
It is not a color that you see that often among flowers. But, putting them in some companion planting can be outstanding. Contrasting with a bright color works well.
A few days ago I was thinking about all that dry brown dirt where the ground cover had been. It never occurred to me until now that I may have an answer. And it is from past experience many years ago! When I was in my twenties and we were landscaping the garden of our newly constructed house we used Dichondra as a lawn. Oh, how I wish I could remember the details surrounding that decision. But I can't. It may have been that it was popular at that time and it did not have to be mowed if you did not want to.
How did my ground cover - Prunella Vulgaris - which is a perennial herbaceous plant that blooms June through September - go from this - - - - - - - - -
But, I didn't give it any thought because I have heard that so many times that it is very difficult to believe. BUT, LOOK, IT REALY IS RAINING.