Thursday, September 24, 2015

Did You Have A Good Day Yesterday

I ask because I hope it was better than mine. Maybe, we could play "Can you top this?" No, let's not. Well anyway, there were two noteworthy experiences. One inconvenient and one disgusting.

OK #1 - I locked myself out of the house! So, I worked outside until I decided what to do. Get this! I eventually poked my head, right shoulder and right arm through the small pet door and used a long handled item to open both the deadbolt and door knob lock. Good thing I am still a little gal. I got a lot of dirty outdoor work accomplished while pondering what "my attack" would be. Success was predicated on the fact that the pet door was not locked from the inside. Yes, I have an extra key outdoors that I faithfully return after using. However, I used it the day before and it was sitting on the dining room table. Am I getting old and forgetful? Impossible, right.

OK #2 - Hold your hat on for this one! At 2 AM, Lily had to go outside (her medications for her heart problems include a diuretic) and she was sprayed in the face by a skunk. That is a first for her and I hope the last. It was just a couple days ago that I was thinking how nice it was that Lily had not had an encounter with a skunk during her 10 years of life. It wasn't to bad, mostly her eyes. My heart hurt for her and her puzzlement over "What Happened?"

Living in the country has it's very own activities that are unique to the area. Some day when I have time I will tell you the story about the first time (in 1994) when my little Yorkie was sprayed. Remember, I was a city girl prior to moving here.
What a weapon he carries! Trivia - both male and female skunks spray, males especially during mating  -  against other males!
I hope your day is nice and calm. I think maybe I should sit in a chair in the house all day.


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White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
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