Friday, March 24, 2017

Is It Ever Going To Stop

I am beginning to think not! Every other day or there abouts this is the view of outside from my window. This particular day also brought lots of thunder and lightning. And, some of the heaviest rain fall I have ever heard or seen.

Just look at the water coming off the roof even though the gutters and downspouts are functioning as they should. And, then the Hail came down. The rushing  water is very visible by the gate and other areas.

It's a little difficult to get much done in the garden with this unpredictable weather.  Joyfully, I noticed that my recently (last fall) replanted Iris Bed is doing very well.  As a result of that activity, I have lots of iris plants popping up where ever I dumped  my buckets of garden debris, mostly in my yard waste dump area behind the garden shed.  Hopefully, I can share some of the new iris plants with others that may be interested. I think that is called "pass along plants". And, I like that!

It will be fun to see how many of the iris will match up with some of the iris that bloomed and I photographed a few years ago.

I hope I am not boring you with my Iris Flower Bed project. I am hoping to show you some results from all my hard work. Not surprising, Iris are one of my favorite flowers. They are right up there with Roses !

Wishing you a Wonderful Weekend.



  1. You have a good one too. I think just about all flowers, except cannas and bird of paradise, are my favorites.

  2. Mary, the view is gorgeous out your window of your garden and yard area! It looks so inviting even in the rain, that I can imagine it's beauty on a perfectly sunny summer day! By the way, I love the little changes and additions you made to your blog.... and especially the writings about morning and dusting! I would be one more likely to worry about dusting, and cleaning and such because of my perfectionist personality, but I do try more and more to enjoy this precious, unique and one time only gift called life!! Thank you for the reminder. :)

    1. Oh Kimberly Marie, The word perfectionist summons up lots of emotion for me based on my childhood - life experiences with my mother. She really took it to the extreme. Which didn't make for a very happy history. I know I'm a bit crazy but (aren't we all) and sometimes I let things get very messy gust because I can. And, now that I am feeling my age, lots of things are messy! I don't exactly like it that way but it is life. Thanks for stopping by. Mary PS. I need to dust! Oh, NO I don't!

  3. I like Iris though my favorite flower is the Daisy then the Tulip. Your Iris collection is beautiful. I also got a giggle out of looking at ALL of them. I see what you did there. hahaha.

    1. Lisa, You are a "pretty sharp lady". You saw my precious Lily, didn't you? I put the collage together a few years ago when my iris garden was at it's peak. The new refurbished iris bed is looking good. Yesterday, I was able to weed and tidy up the area. Hopefully I will get some beautiful color this year. Mary



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009