The garden is certainly sleepy and very drab these days even though we have had a fair amount of sunshine along with the cold. And, we have recently started to get a little rain and also snow at the higher elevations. This little stem of White Narcissus is the only flower in my entire garden. Evidence of last nights rain shows as water drops from the petals. How cool are those raindrops captured in the photo. Didn't see it until I saw the photo on the computer.
And, the only other activity in the garden that I noticed is the Yellow Daffodils I planted last fall in two large planters. The taped grids across the top are to save my precious bulbs from the many squirrels that traverse my gardens. The squirrels have been very busy little fellows searching and digging for any little goodies they can unearth and carry away.
I have been busy taking care of necessary activities which seems to be quite difficult with coping with the intense pain, especially the burning pain that is radiating down my left leg to my ankle. I saw the Primary Physician on Monday and I had a chance to read the MRI report for myself. I was more than surprised to see the more than I expected undesirable pathology. Each vertebral space (seven) in my low back is showing broad bulging of the disc cushion into the spinal canal impinging on nerves.
That is the best way I can explain it even though there is a lot more trouble like worn out, dried out and old aged disc cushions. You can laugh with me as I know that sounds very old lady dreadful! Yes, humor aside, it is a little frightening ! ! ! My appointment with the Orthopedist is February 2.

Yes, life goes on and as you may know, I am quite tenacious. For reasons not necessary for this topic, I had to replace the straps supporting my water heater in the garage as required by California law. I followed my usual methodical, thoughtful and slow approach and I am proud to say I think "my shirt buttons are bursting" with my pride with this accomplishment. It was especially difficult because the straps have to be secured to the wood studs behind the sheet rock and the lack of good clearance around the water heater made for an almost impossible task. I thought of removing the sink but really did not want to and did not have to.
Ya gotta do - what you gotta do ! Some day I hope to be able to delegate. Maybe, a Home Maintenance Person and - - - why not add a Cleaning Lady ! ! !
I think this is about the time you can call me CRAZY. It's OK with me ! ! !
I hope you have had a good week and the Week End will bring good things your way.