Thursday, June 11, 2020

Garden And Current Events

This is the first Daylily to open this season . And there are about three spikes on the plant .  It is planted on the other side of the house from the White Garden where the soil has not been improved very much . So , I am so happy it is looking this good . When I think of how hard I have worked to get my garden soil improved it makes me happy to get any blossoms . Oh , the memories of when I had wonderful garden soil where I lived .  Especially, many years ago at the home we built . The soil was so fertile and fabulous .  I certainly did not have to work very hard to have a lovely flourishing garden . As I have said in the past, most of my neighbors have had truck loads of soil brought in because the ground is hard clay with a lot of rocks . I was never able to get better soil other than what I could buy (2 or 3 cubic foot bags) occasionally - but I still have A Garden !  And , I don't have a sprinkler system - but I still have A Garden !

I have always enjoyed Daylilies, maybe because there is always a new beginning as each blossom emerges quickly in sequence day after day and then it's gone . Throughout the garden I have about 24 different species , everyone with it's very distinct personality ! Because of the poor soil they have never grown into nice large clumps of bursts of color . But , I don't think there ever has been a year that each and everyone of them has not bloomed even if it is just one spike . As they unfurl their petals I will take a photo so I can share everyone of them with you .
This is how so much of my garden soil looks like even though I spent a lot of time working on it .
However , these White Daylies are nice and large as they sit in the White Garden where the garden soil is so much better ! Look at all those buds .

This plant is NOT what I said it is a few weeks ago .  It is ENGLISH LAVENDER !  Yep , I goofed and thought I was as I was preparing my post .  The voice in my head kept saying Lavender but I also was remembering a nursery tag that I have had for eons in my disorganized plant tags. The more I compared google photos of  Bowle's Mauve Erysimum (Wallflower) and English Lavender I am convinced it is Lavender . Regardless of the name , this particular species of Lavender is truly enjoyed . Probably , because it always blooms year after year .

Funny how things happen !!! I was at Lowe's Home Improvement and Garden Center today (more about that later) and side by side sat an English Lavender and a Bowle's Erysimum . What are the chances of that happening ? Especially , since I was just commenting on the plant in my garden ! It was certainly easy to compare one to another , if I had any doubts !
This - - - - - - - - - - 

finally has become this .
In the past I had a nice small power rototiller . However, my daughter borrowed it long ago and that was the last of it !
Following a tremendous amount of work digging out roots and turning the soil , I have planted some tomatoes and squash .  I also planted some marigolds . Reportedly , they attract beneficial insects , such as ladybugs , hover flies and parasitic mini-wasps that prey on garden pests .  I hope there will be enough sun for my little veggies to grow . I am not sure if it will get six hours a day .

Can you see how nicely the shrubs on the outside of the fence are growing after being cut down to the ground in October 2018 ?  I miss my privacy !

As I commented above , I went to Lowe's this morning after my six month follow-up doctor's appointment at the Cancer Center .  The information from the doctor was wonderful and he was exceptionally pleasant !!! More on that next time .

And, some comments on this photo from our morning newspaper of the Stanislaus River in our rural county a few miles (about 20) from here . Point of interest is that I cross the Stanislaus River (as I did this morning) to shop and attend my doctor's appointments.  I am tired and it will be interesting to hear the story of how and why someone ventured that far out (to Yea Hoo Gulch) into the forest to make the statement . Years ago (over 20 years ago) when I was younger and more adventurous and curious about what was over the next hill and around the next corner I drove out to this location with a city friend who was visiting me .  The river and the surrounding area is very scenic and quite isolated .
Stanislaus River
Yea Hoo Gulch

Until next time , Stay Safe and Stay Well .


1 comment:

  1. What wonderful news from the doctor. I am looking forward to reading more on what the doctor had to say and on your continually improving health. We have given up on day lilies in our yard because the only spots which are good for them cause the flowers to face away from the house toward the sun. But, there are many, many, many day lilies planted in the HOA owned land and in other's yards so I can enjoy them there.



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009