Thursday, June 18, 2020

Absolutely Amazing Amaryllis

It is that time of year again when I am always delighted to see this gorgeous flower that usually surprises me when the first large blossom appears . For three or four years this stunner has given me the beauty of one lovely stalk of perfectly shaped , large flowers . I skipped a day watering because the outside temperatures were in the seventies and I was busy in the house trying to get some much needed activity accomplished . I find that I tend to go outside to garden because I enjoy it so much and a lot of other things fall by the wayside in the house . Living alone gives me the privilege to do that . Yesterday afternoon when I was watering at the back of house and looked done toward the White Garden I was amazed to see the large almost iridescent amaryllis blossoms . I know some people in certain growing zone can grow lots of these flowers without "lifting " them every year . But , I never have had them until this one and it stays in the ground all year long . And, as you can see , it thrills me every year . Nine inches across , AMAZING ! 
Some of these photos look a little yellow but the flowers are very WHITE .

The Hydrangea has been blooming for a couple weeks and doing well .
And, this is a big surprise and it opened this afternoon . I did not know what color this Asiatic Lily was going to be because a neighbor gave me three pots with lilies last year and they weren't labeled as to color .  Another addition for the White Garden !  I can see the color a little of one of the other potted lilies and it looks like pink or red . That will be another surprise . In years past I have had Asiatic (most popular) and Oriental (second most popular)  Lilies in my garden . Some years I have not worked in the garden very much and I don't know what happened to the Lilies !
It is RED FLAG SEASON .  Isn't this wildfire awful . It started Monday evening about 5 o'clock . It is about 45 minute drive from here . 1100 acres and 10 percent contained . Two out-buildings have burned and 65 structures are threatened . Cause unknown .  Arson not suspected . Winds are cooperating . Evacuation sites are set up .
Thursday Update - Morning Briefing .  Good News .  70% Containment .
The garden is slow but growing . It could use a little more bright sunshine .

This little seating area is next to the raised bed vegetable garden . Years ago I got this metal topiary and started covering it with ivy . Now I just trim it every spring time . One day I thought I would put these old chairs out there . And , now the tree form is a conversation piece when people walk by . Yes , it is one-of-a-kind . Also , I started taking time to sit there during my garden work and "just enjoy my garden" .
UPDATE - Someone defaced the Camp Nine Bridge again by painting over the first defacing . It says All Lives Matter .
Pacific Gas & Electric , the utility that owns the bridge has decided to remove all paint from the bridge . Thank goodness !  What a strange world we are living in . What next in our little country home towns ?

I hope your week is going well and you are living where you are safe and feeling secure in staying healthy .



  1. Your flowers and vegetable gardens are stunning. I wish I was able to sit in one of those chairs and enjoy the view with you. Let's pray this year will not be a summer of massive wild fires.



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009