Sunday, October 25, 2020

Happy Big Face

In years past I have always enjoyed decorating for the seasons inside the house and a little something outside the house .

It seems like I am forever (because it is) trying to get my garage cleaned out !  Well , guess who I found in the garage ?  Big ol' Pumpkin Man .  I have had him for years .  Isn't he great ?  And , he is Big .  Look at his size compared to the house door . He is a nice statement piece sitting alone and not needing other decorations -or friends . As he feels quite comfortable with his imposing stature .  😊 And , he only takes a night-light size bulb .  He sits on the side of the house where he is easily seen by all during their daily travels.
He has such a nice cheerful face and I like him .

I don't usually have any Trick or Treaters coming to my home because there is a very small subdivision near by that in the past before the pandemic put on a huge display of decorations and candy at every house .  The street is closed off and there is sheriff control for safety . I am not sure what the plan is for this year .

Who would have thought that we would see drive-in movies again and here in my home town area ? Seeing this ad in the local newspaper sure was strange .  I guess it took me back to my youth over 60 years ago .  How can it be that many years ago ? I can't say that I recall having attended a drive-in movie all that often . I guess perhaps the religious rigid parental control of my youth may be the reason .  But , I certainly recall the reprimand when I would come home from a date later than approved of .  And , that was my senior year in high school . And, it wasn't long after that I was living away , working on my education to become a Registered Nurse . It still amazes me the amount of control that continued even though I was supporting myself by working evenings and weekends . And , never did they assist financially and they certainly had the means .  After earning my licensure as a Registered Nurse at age 19, I married and was able to become a little more independent and able to escape the harsh control . Maybe , sometime I'll write about how I happened to attend schooling to become a Registered Nurse.  Not a typical trajectory for the day .

How interesting that a notice in the newspaper can take me back to a time in my life from long ago .  I feel so blessed to be experiencing contentment with life at this time . Sure , life has it's hills and valleys , but it is nice to be the driver at the wheel .

OK , I'll drive back to living life in this lane .  

Just read that the "Halloween Neighborhood" is going forward with celebrating .  Marking their sidewalks with every six foot markers and using assistive devices called Pick-Me-Ups to hand out candy .  Masks required .  Pretty Clever !!!



  1. I love your pumpkin. I hope you have not lost your power. And you know I would love to read the story of your training. Take care and stay safe.

  2. We were just talking about Drive-in-movies the other day . . . a great way to distance and still have family fun together. I also was invited to play miniature golf a few weeks ago . . . another fun thing that can be done during this period in our lives. Although, it is seasonal unless inside or a warm climate. Have a lovely day, I enjoyed visiting your charming blog.
    Connie :)

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I always enjoy your blog. Blessings.



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009