Thursday, September 29, 2016

It Won't Be Long And This Project Can Be "Put To Bed"

My hard work in the garden is beginning to show some nice results.

From this - - -

The weeds were spilling over the rock wall and across the path and into the iris bed. In the upper left corner you can see some of the iris. This was in the spring and the weeds quickly turned to dry and brown.

The weeds were dug up and I covered the rocky ground with a lot of garden soil that I had delivered. After that I planted the Gomphrena (Fireworks) that I had transplanted into those green pots until I had the flower bed ready for planting.

Gomphrena (Fireworks)

The Fireworks plants are planted in the nice garden soil and I am hopeful that they will flourish and produce a riot of color next year. I have a lot of small Stella D'oro Daylilies that I may plant along the rock border. Can you see all those fall leaves that have started to fall?

And now the other side of the path - - -

In this photo you can see the neglected iris garden that has not bloomed in several years. It is hard to flourish when your roots are sitting on rock! When keeping the weeds controlled most of the planting mix that I used when planting the iris has disappeared.

Oh, and how do you like the huge rock boulders that surround my gardens. I think they are magnificent.

This photo shows when I was almost finished removing all of the iris with their old long dry rhizomes.

Here is the large pile of cleaned and trimmed iris rhizomes ready for replanting in the new garden soil. There are at least 32 different iris species. It will be fun watching the different colors popping open next summer!

I have had a total of 3 cubic yards of fresh garden soil with mushroom compost delivered. The sun is shining on the pile making it look half the size of the actual pile. It's like "Black Gold".  And, I love it. I didn't know that I could get so excited "about dirt".

Since I have some scalloped cement borders that had been used for another purpose (in another life) I decided to use them along the edge of the pathway. And, since I saw these lovely Yellow Chrysanthemums for $2.48 each I decided to border the flower bed with them to give some nice fall color when the iris are past their blooming season. 

In addition, I have been able to rescue and divide some Purple Chrysanthemums that I had previously planted some years back. They are being planted at the top between the yellow mums. I hope they will thrive in the new soil.

Putting in the cement border has been very, very, very labor intensive and very hard work for me. This is how I have to approach it. Sitting on my little stool and digging in the ground with my hand tools that on occasion requires a "crow bar" to remove all sizes and shapes of rock.

I think it is coming along nicely. I have started to replant the iris. And, I have only one more cement border to put in place. Hooray!

 This is the one and only iris that bloomed this past year amongst the weeds. So sad!

And, this is what I am hoping for next year!

Are you having a good week? I hope so!




  1. Lovely pictures of a beautiful yard. All of your hard work is paying off. Steve retires today!!!!!

  2. Lovely post! I don't think I've ever seen the fireworks version of the Gomphrena, but it's lovely! You sure have a great space to garden in. I'm impressed with all the work you do. Flowers sure do bring us joy, don't they? Happy Tuesday to you! xoxo

  3. Your bed is coming along beautifully. I love the big boulders you have in there.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and your encouragement. You may wonder why my property has so much rock. One reason is that my property is the first parcel outside of what is called Murphys township which means the old historic buildings from the Gold Rush days. The house next door to me toward town was built in the 1800's. And the land was bulldozed to build my house. On the other side of my street there sits a house higher on the side of the hill.

      Interesting, there are a couple spots on my property that were probably mine shafts. Years ago I noticed that one area where I was planting would continually loose all the soil. It was like it was just disappearing! So, it was time for me to take a better look at what may be going on. Sure enough, when using a large flashlight I could see down the hole that it went what seemed forever. So, I started throwing rock down the shaft. And, now, many years later the soil is no longer disappearing!

      The large rock boulders that surround my property are the result of the massive bulldozing. The gold miners were mining for the veins and reefs of gold-bearing quartz which often were in granite. Without a doubt there is gold on my property from what I am told. I have many large beautiful rocks that would be fun to examine! I always enjoy your blog. Blessings.



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009