Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Gold Star Award For Ivy

What a good girl she was at the Vet.  I could really she her progress since I picked her up 6 weeks ago to bring her to her furever home.

Since I can no longer lift heavy weight I fixed up a transport for her with a lightweight carrier fastened to a small hand cart.
I placed it on the passenger seat of the car with the handle lowered and carried her out and slipped her in the open end of the carrier.  She is good about letting me pick her up and carry her,  but she was very unhappy when I "pushed her" into the carrier.  After some loud meows she settled down for the ten minute drive to the Vet.  I easily rolled her into the exam room and she calmly came out and the technician picked her up and put her on the exam table.  She was quiet, calm and relaxed.  (That little stinker !!!)  The Vet was able to place her on the scale and she weighed in at 11 pounds, 1 ounce which is very good.  Her behavior was perfect except when a fluid sample was taken from her nose with a flexible needle shaped swab.  I would fuss, too !!

The eye drainage is the first problem of importance.  No mouth, throat or eye lesions which is good.  Samples of eye and nose fluid are going to be sent out for (PCR) which is polymerase chain reaction, a DNA based method of testing for specific region of DNA to diagnose pathogens.  Hopefully, that will be a guide for the most appropriate antibiotic choice. In the meantime, she gets Gentamicin antibiotic eye drops 2-3 times a day.  Oh, yesterday I was able to trim all of her hails!

Since her behavior was so perfect we did not address behavior disorders!  (I was afraid she was going to make a liar out of me!)  She calmly got in her carrier to leave.  It was so nice  to see the Vet that I have known for over 20 years.  He is an exceptional professional.

When we got home about 11AM she had something to eat and then disappeared into her little teepee and slept until 6PM.  This is just as she came out of the teepee and after a big yawn.

I think we have crossed over a big hurdle.  Hopefully, this good behavior wasn't just a dream of mine!

Hope your days are sunny and bright wherever you are.


1 comment:

  1. Poor sweet Ivy being tuckered out after her vet visit. I hope the antibiotic takes care of her issues. I had to smile about her loud meows when you put her in the car. Our cats would HOWL in their carriers all the way to the vet (the whole one mile trip!) and continue to carry on until it would be their turn in the exam room. I think they were scaring away the other customers in the lobby.



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

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