Since I have posted anything about my Precious Deaf Rescue Siamese Cat - - - Ivy .
I was beginning to think that she may never become a "snuggle bug" as I was hoping even with my sincere desire and undaunted efforts. And, then there was a major turning point . She had been "flirting" with the idea of sitting close to me on the sofa . Thereafter, during one evening while I was sitting in a large chair and using the computer, she jumped up onto the arm of the chair and casually slithered into the space between my body and the arm of the chair. To say that I was surprised would be a gross understatement . She proceeded to get into a comfortable position and went to sleep staying there even after I got up .

In March this year when I brought her home from the Purebred Plus Cat Rescue she was a totally traumatized six and a half year old cat who would only hiss, bite and hide . She did not want anything to do with anyone and certainly not the veterinarian at the rescue who tried to examine her through the wire cage carrier because of her angry biting attacks . Even though she was a surrender cat from a one owner home, very little was known about her . I had no idea until she was home with me that she was
also deaf .
My heart is so very warmed with her response to love and a nurturing safe environment . Like most cats she is very entertaining with her unpredictable behavior of humorous antics like chasing in and out of boxes or jumping at what I thought was nothing but then realizing that it was simply a cat hair that she could see when the sun was shining on it in the air . That was strange and new behavior to me . At first I really thought she was "a crazy cat" .
She really likes lying on the back of the sofa or sitting on the windowsill watching and talking to the birds she can see flitting past her or maybe enjoying the sunshine from in her Catio . Since she is required (by Cat Rescue) to be an indoor cat she seems to really enjoy her Catio . She can watch me when I am working in the garden as well as cars driving by and people taking their daily walks and sometimes with their dogs . She will spend considerable time outside when the weather is nice .
Blue eyed baby . She is so very soft and most of the time very gentle, melting into my arms when I pick her up .
Resting her head on those sweet little paws !
Comfy and feeling secure with her environment on the sofa . She also sits beside me every evening and sleeps on the bed at night . What more could I want from her ?
A favorite photo of my Ivy .
Wishing you a Good New Week with Peace, Comfort and Happiness.