Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween

Just flying in to say

"Stay Safe" .  Wow, years ago I would never have thought of saying that .  It was more like "Have Fun".

The children in the area have a great opportunity every year to have a safe Trick or Treat evening by going to a designated area of a few blocks that are highly decorated and safely protected by the local sheriff's department .  Every year the local merchants collect candy for the event to ease the financial burden of expense for the designated neighborhood .  The event has been a huge hit for years .

"Have Fun" !



  1. BooOOOoooOOOoooOOOoooOOOooo
    *H*A*P*P*Y* *H*A*L*L*O*W*E*E*N*!*

    1. Back at you! So lovely of you to stop by. Blessings

  2. A day late, but Happy Halloween to you! We did not have a lot of children coming by which makes me a bit sad. I love the little ones. The church at the corner had a festival and I think most of the children were up there. Can you believe it is November???

  3. We live far enough from town, and our road is quite dark, so we had not one trick or treat-er. My neighbor across the way has lived there since 1965, raised 4 children and now she and her husband are the last of the original residents of this road. She said back in the day when her children were young, every Halloween the road was full of kids going up and down for trick or treating. It was safe, fun and more a tight knit neighborhood back in those days. My how times have changed! She still leaves her light on every year for Halloween, "just in case" someone might come!



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009