As a native Californian the phenomenon of earthquakes is certainly not new to me . I can recall as early as childhood listening to my mother talk about earthquakes . I wish I could remember the details but all I can recall is about fireplace bricks falling across a doorway exit . After doing a little research it looks like the year may have been 1933 in March with magnitude of 6 .4 . My oldest brother would have been one year old and they lived in the Los Angeles area . And, this would have been about five years after she came from Minnesota to California .
This subject certainly brings memories of my own life experiences with earthquakes . My first recollection of any earthquake was in 1971 (6AM) San Fernando Valley-Sylmar earthquake of 6 .5 magnitude. At the time, I was living in San Gabriel Valley which is about 30 miles from the quake site. It had been less than 2 years since I became a single parent and I was working as a Registered Nurse at a local hospital . The quake awakened us and it was a very frightening experience for the three of us . My children's father never had much involvement after leaving , so we were on our own. After getting the children settled with child care I went to work - of coarse ! I don't think we had much damage at the house other than the typical items falling off shelves .
Going to work was a new set of experiences . I worked on the surgical third floor . There were wide open cracks in the floors . All elective surgeries were cancelled . Patients were discharged if possible. Obviously , patients looked to staff for reassurance !!! The aftershocks persisted for days and were very unnerving .
At the time I was working as a Rehabilitation Nurse Specialist which meant that I was a liaison between a Sick/Injured Individual and the Responsible Payer of expenses . Kind of like "helping the Right hand to know what the Left hand is doing" . A rather simplistic explanation ! 😃
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The Digest article has many stories of the 1989 earthquake experiences that were catastrophic life altering tragedies .WOW , that took me down memory lane .
My Best Thoughts and Desires are with everyone who has or is impacted by the recent earthquake events .
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