Monday, July 22, 2019

An Enlarged Spleen

Not sure where to start with all this .  But, just for the heck of it, how about a beautiful floral photo or two to let you know that I am very much alive , kicking and screaming all the way !!!

I am still quite irritated with everything . After all it is MY LIFE (dead or alive) that I am talking about.  Let's get to the core of my frustration .  If the doctors (four of them now) would have done the simplest of anything and ordered blood lab work especially since my routine prescriptions include 4 for hypertension , 1 for elevated (genetic) cholesterol  and a few others , this whole dam mess would probably not have happened !  Because the medications would have been adjusted to prevent the high lab work numbers result .  That is what medications are for !

Moving right along . Where is the Spleen and what does it do ?  Even though I am a nurse , that is what I asked the doctor after he talked to the Radiologist about my Abdominal CT Scan .   The CT Scan report had not been dictated from the 7/01/19 Scan appointment . However  my doctor called the Radiologist directly to discuss the findings . When the doctor returned to the exam room , the first thing out of his mouth was "You have an Enlarged Spleen" .  Nothing was said about the colon which was the reason for the CT Scan .

The Spleen isn't something we hear much about unless it is an automobile accident or athletic injury and then you might hear that the spleen was removed .  Yes, you can live without a spleen but your body will lose some of its ability to fight infections . It is better if you have a spleen !
And, where is it ?  It is behind the bottom of the left Rib Cage and butts up against the Stomach .
Now, what does it do and why do I need one ?
The spleen is part of the Lymphatic System which fights infection and keeps your body fluids in balance . It contains white blood cells that fight germs .  The spleen also helps control the amount of blood in the body and destroys old and damaged cells .

Why is it enlarged ?  The spleen is enlarged due to a variety of underlying causes .  In my situation, elevated cholesterol and abnormal blood flow may be contributing factors for the enlarged spleen. Without further analysis we really don't know .  Interesting, I have had many of the symptoms , which are loss of appetite , weight loss , night sweats , fatigue, bruising easily and two head colds in the month of May ,  My immune system has always been strong !  I can't remember the last time I had a cold or flu prior to that .  AND, I never have had a childhood communicable disease . Quite surprising - don't you think ?

For the last three years I have been diligently trying to find a doctor that will provide me with a "Medical Standard of Care  that is the level of care an ordinary, prudent, health care professional with the same training and experience would provide under similar circumstances in the same community".

I would expect that when I have an appointment with a new doctor and I have told him that I have not been able to find a doctor for a long time that he would review the current medications that have been prescribed for my medical conditions and at the least, order laboratory tests to evaluate the effectiveness of the prescribed medications . It wasn't until last September that I was able to get a requisition for some blood/lab work from the third doctor. The doctor basically asked me what I wanted checked .  I named off several tests but failed to mention lipid panel and cholesterol and perhaps some others .  I didn't know that was my job!  He reported by telephone that the results were normal , which is not quite accurate. What is it with these doctors - no medical history review or preventive health discussions or much of anything.

So now with the fourth doctor I was hoping that I would receive the care that will return me to health and that will allow me to continue life to the fullest.  But, that was not to be !  In an effort to make this as short as possible these are the troubling following events . He discussed the elevated cholesterol and lipid numbers and recommended a Brand Name (Crestor) medication (very expensive) that previously had helped bring the numbers down . I provided a medical report from a cardiac workup that was done in 2012 .  When I say that the medication was expensive, I mean after much research including a long discussion with a pharmacist .  $600 for 90 pills !!!  Along with the elevated lab work I have been having very high blood pressure readings with many above 200/104 !!!  He requested that I get more lab work (don't know specifics) prior to my nest appointment in a month .

Medication was not called in to pharmacy nor was lab work requisition provided . When I called regarding the medication order they called in the order for the GENERIC medication which was not considered as effective.  When I called the next day with my concerns and a blood pressure above 200/__ they scheduled me to come into the office in the afternoon to see a different doctor who takes one day appointments .  The status of this mess was discussed and I asked for my current lab numbers from lab work that was done just before the CT Scan .  He said the numbers were so good that he didn't think that I even needed the medications .  Soon after, I left with a very confused head - - - and an Enlarged Spleen  😖

When I arrived home there was a message from the doctor saying that he gave me the wrong numbers.  He gave me the current numbers and they were severely abnormal and elevated.  After I did a little research I could see that the numbers he first provided me were from the 2012 Cardiac evaluation report when I was responding well to treatment .

I spoke with the office staff the following day about my experience.  Who knows if that will do any good .  And, I still have not seen or discussed the CT Scan (other than mention of Enlarge Spleen) or lab work done prior to the CT Scan .  I am in the process of going to the hospitals to get reports from medical records.  That is the ONLY way that I can get my medical records .  The medical office can no longer copy medical reports .

This has been tremendously stressful and that is putting it very mildly .

Time for a little sweetness !  No, that is not Ivy but maybe I could teach her to help me.  Right now I can use all the help I can get !
Thank you for listening if you read to the end .

Tomorrow is a New Day .


1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry you are having a hard time right now dear friend Mary. While I don't know for sure, I believe doctors are at the mercy of insurance companies who want them to see as many patients as possible so the insurance companies can make profits. Here's hoping you will be able to get proper care and have treatment to bring your spleen back to normal. Do you think the only treatment will be removal of the spleen? Keeping you in my thoughts dear friend.



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009