That is - RIBS . Something again that I never have prepared . Again , oh , so easy . On sale at the grocery store the same day I saw an easy recipe on a blog . I thought , why not ? You know there are so many foods that I have not prepared . I am sure if I had been married longer or had someone to cook for on a regular basis other than myself and children and then adult children for a few years I would have prepared a broader variety of foods . Because, I really like to cook for others .
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Baby Back
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Happy Big Face
How interesting that a notice in the newspaper can take me back to a time in my life from long ago . I feel so blessed to be experiencing contentment with life at this time . Sure , life has it's hills and valleys , but it is nice to be the driver at the wheel .
OK , I'll drive back to living life in this lane .
Just read that the "Halloween Neighborhood" is going forward with celebrating . Marking their sidewalks with every six foot markers and using assistive devices called Pick-Me-Ups to hand out candy . Masks required . Pretty Clever !!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Bone On Bone
Sounds awful , doesn't it ? I was not surprised . Much more severe on the right knee than the left ! My Orthopedic evaluation was at a newly opened 8 Million Dollar Medical Clinic about 15 minutes from my home . The new facility is great and beautiful with all the latest diagnostic equipment . And , the staff is very good and certainly seem very happy to working in such a nice facility .
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
From Squash To Soup
Monday, October 19, 2020
Another Goodie
First off - - - the pain in my right knee and leg and foot is almost unbearable . I don't see a pattern . Sometimes it is not bad but most of the time SO painful and debilitating. The ice packs help and small periods of activity interspersed with rest and elevation of my legs makes life bearable . Finally , went and got the ordered x-rays and it was tortuous besides having to wait a long time ! Well, got that off my thoughts so now let's get on with life .
Hobbling around the kitchen when I can !
I don't think I have ever prepared Hungarian Stew . So , a couple days ago I did this .
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Facing A Huge Situation
I have not given these pages much information regarding a medical development of severe disability and horrendous pain in both of my knees and legs . The right knee is considerably worse than the left . This is not a particularly new situation . I think the first x-ray of my knees was in 2002 because of pain . But , that was nothing compared to what I am dealing with at the present time . I guess it is about a couple months ago that I started having difficulty with walking and was starting to experience unrelenting pain especially in my right knee . Throughout the years I have had periodic knee problems . But , my back disability (injury 1992) was so encompassing that I more or less just pushed through the knee issues and eventually I was better .
The "long and short of it" is that I most likely need Total Knee Replacement of both knees . Unfortunately , they will not prescribe any pain pills for me at this time (due to the new opiate regulations) and I really should not take anti-inflammatory medicine because I have taken them for many years because of my back pain/issues and my kidneys (they are old) will be endangered because my lab studies already show some abnormalities ! The pain has been very very severe . I will have x-rays of both knees soon and I am scheduled for a consultation with an Orthopedic Surgeon on October 21 . I was delighted to learn from my physician that there is now a technique called Minimally Invasive Total Knee replacement and I may be able to have that procedure . The incision is shorter and the quadriceps tendons are not dissected . And , the knee cap (patella) is not flipped over . Thus , a shorter recovery time .
Considering my senior age , the less invasive procedure would be preferred . Depending upon what the x-rays show I will probably have both knees done at the same time . You can click the photos to enlarge .

If you follow my blog you know that I do not have family to help me and I have outlived all of my close friends . So , where ever the procedure is performed I have no idea how all of this can be arranged regarding transportation and post operative help at home . If I go out of the area perhaps I can live in a hotel for a week or so with home health care along with physical therapy which starts the first day following surgery wherever I have it done. I do not know if a Rehabilitation Center for a few days would be an option . As you can see , there are a lot of unknowns to be arranged somehow . And, care of my precious Ivy is a huge concern of mine . At the moment, all I can do is to take one day at a time ! Somehow -someway it will come together if it is meant to be .
I am not only taking one day at a time . Sometimes it is one minute at a time as I attempt to continue "taking care of things" . There are times I can do more than other times , as you can tell by my blogging posts . And , there are times I can not walk even one step . Night time has been really rough at times and I am awakened with unbelievable knee pain along with back pain . Not getting much sleep . Daytime naps help .
Had to reschedule "The Workers" to work on the generator hook-up for some time next week .
That's it for today and that is plenty - - - and I will be OK ! I'm a "tough old lady" and I will live each day to the best of my ability .
Hope everyone is doing well (or at least OK) during these tumultuous times in our lives with the government and the pandemic. Let's keep the hope for better times .
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Some More Really Good Food And A Lot More
White Garden 2009

Iris Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers 2009