Sunday, October 16, 2016

Steady And Heavy - The Rain That Is

The most recent rainfall has been a lot more than the previous one. I think it rained all night and most of today. All my hard work cleaning the yard and now look at it. Honestly, this is what I expected.
And, another heavy storm front is coming in tonight!
 I haven't seen this many pine needles in my yard for as long as I have lived here.
It will take some time before I will get it all cleaned up again. The truth be told, the rain is wonderful and California needs it so badly! However, one difficult aspect of the heavy rain is that we just had an Emergency Flood Alert come across the television screen, primarily for the area of the Butte Fire (half hour drive from here) that occurred last year in September. Prayers for safety for all who still remain.
I have mentioned that the drainage is very poor because of all the solid rock and clay soil. I don't recall seeing this much area with standing water.
My downspouts have been putting out a lot of water. Thank goodness that I have Leaf Guard gutters and don't have to worry about the gutters getting clogged. One of the best use of money I have put into the house.

And, let's end with another of my beautiful roses that are still blooming. The pink color really almost looks florescent with the inner white. It's another winner.
Until next time. Stay safe.


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White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009