Sunday, November 4, 2018

Finally A New Doctor

At long last I think I have a doctor that will listen to me and provide the medical care that I feel is necessary for me to stay as healthy as possible .  Saw M.D on Thursday, 10/25/18 and I was extremely impressed !  His office is a 30 to 45 minute drive from my home .  But, that is OK with me.  It's an easy country drive .

If you follow my blog,  you may remember that I have been trying to get proper medical attention for a very long time since my Primary Care Physician took a position at the local Veterans Administration with anticipation of better benefits which would assist her in student loan debt reduction .  Her gain - my loss .  She was one of the best doctors I have ever had .

After her departure in June 2016 I was unable to find a doctor (of any kind) who could take new patients for over a year because this area is very under served by the Medical Community .   I won't repeat my efforts in diligently trying to get medical care .  If any interest just check out health under labels .

I did learn one thing from the new doctor that may be of help to others who have to use Medicare .  Basically when a patient goes to the doctor in California they generally do Not receive any diagnostic testing (lab work included) unless they are reporting specific symptoms that can then be entered into the Medicare computer program by the doctor who is then given a pull-down menu that he/she can select from for what diagnostics will be covered by Medicare .   At least that is the way the doctor explained the process to me .

In the past, I would have annual lab work based on what medications I was receiving for specific medical conditions to ascertain if adjustments in medication may be indicated .  It seems to me that now every little ache or pain has to be reported by the patient to insure appropriate care .  And, all along, I thought that Prevention was the best approach .  Not all that long ago,  patients received at least  a check of heart and lungs via stethoscope .

The doctor questioned me about one of my responses to one of his statements .  I answered,  Why you ask?"  And, he replied, "Most people wouldn't know that."   My response was "Oh, I am just a Retired RN .  He was very easy to talk with and he explained everything and answered all my questions .  I left with a laboratory requisition for several blood tests .  In a few days I talked with him about the results and he kindly went over each normal range for the tests .  Very happily I received information that all my blood tests were normal !  No anemia or other issues !  He said that if I felt that I needed more info about my abdominal concerns he would order a CAT scan and a referral to a surgeon who he  respected .

I did a little more Internet research and I think it may be helpful for me to increase my fiber intake as well as drinking more water to stay well hydrated .

With my monthly medical expense of $351.00 for medical insurance including prescription coverage I would like to think I am paying for and receiving comprehensive care .  I have selected excellent plan coverage so that I have the best coverage I can get .   I guess I would say that my approach falls in line with my lifelong philosophy of self responsibility and never expecting "a handout".

Well, one more "stressor" to remove from my "need to do list".  I look forward to the day my list is blank .  Normal activities are just fine .  But, this year has required more decision making about several activities than in the past .  A Little Humor ?  At least at the moment I am in good health (other than my back) and when the time comes to leave this life, my Will is up-to-date ! 😊😊😊

Hope your week is starting out Well .  An hour more sleep in the morning !



  1. I am so pleased you have finally found a physician who will meet your needs and with whom you are comfortable. It certainly has been a long journey. And good news about your overall general health. Nothing is more important!

  2. That's such great news, Mary, on both counts! Sometimes just hearing from a "reputable source" that everything checks out a-ok is enough to put our minds at rest so we can actually feel better in many ways!



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009