Saturday, January 9, 2016

I Did It - But I Should Not Have

Well, let's get this out of way to start with. Digging out the creek caused me to injure my right lumbar back. Yes, I know better but "who you gonna call" as the saying goes. I do not have anyone who can help me pro bono. And, I do not need The County coming to call because of flooding. This seasonal creek in my yard feeds into a much larger creek that goes through town and provides a wonderful park setting with a great creek for the kids to swim in the summer. The Park is supported by the people of the community and has a very impressive repertoire each year of entertainment.

This is a picture of a Little Duck Race which is an annual fund raiser in the park.
This is the creek that comes through my property from the culvert pipe (top of picture) that channels the water under the roadway at the edge of my property.
The water flows well through my neighbors property (below) just on the other side of my wire fence when I have the fence opening cleared out.
My fence between the two properties  backs up with leaves, rocks and dirt/mud when it rains. During the past five years I have not attended to the removal of the debris on an annual basis as I always did in the past. A side note: My time was spent with My Special Man! 

You can see where the backup is all along the wire fence as well as where I have cleaned out the channel where the water flows. I have to keep the wire fence closed when it is not raining because the opening where Lily is standing is a perfect "escape route" for her to "go on a walk about". The fence at the opening is "jury rigged" so that I can lift the lower portion and secure it open, as it is in this next photo. 

I had to dig out about two feet of dirt which was very hard work. My back is still very painful and it has continued to be painful about two weeks since I did the digging. Back pain is not new to me. It is my left side that has been very troublesome since an injury in 1993. A lot of left sided pain since that time.

Mission accomplished!. Lily is so well behaved but she sure would like to do a little exploring!                  
When the fence is open, I have to go out every time Lily needs to go outside or she will go down to the fence opening "in a flash".

I am so happy to have that job finished. Of course I will have to continue to maintain it and keep a close eye on Lily. We are expecting our third El Nino rain storm tonight. As sick as Lily is, it amazes me how well she gets around. Day by day.

Hope you had a good week.



  1. I have a creek (I call just a ditch) behind our house. Its a pain to keep the debris cleaned out so It doesn't flood our yard during the hard rains. Its also a harvest place for snakes. I love a nice creek but mine is hardly nice. Hope your back feels better soon.

  2. Oh, Mary, I'm so sorry to hear that you've injured your back! :( Back pain is no stranger to me, either, and you're right. It IS very painful when an injury occurs! Thankfully, my purchase and use of a TENS unit has been so very helpful and truly a lifesaver for me! I can see why you had to tend to the creek and will need to continue to maintain it with all this weird weather that we're having! Lily is such a good girl to behave herself! How has your weather been since the weekend? And I hope your back gets better very soon!! Hugs!



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009