Friday, December 29, 2017

Medical Diagnostic Report

Yesterday while I was out to the store I saw this back brace that was reasonably priced.  I have a brace that I use frequently but it is quite old.  So, when I saw this one that has a removable lumbar pad cushion for added compression to the lower back I decided that I needed to buy it.  I have worn it a lot today and I would say that it helps more than the old one.  I think buying it was a good decision.
And, then this afternoon I received a telephone call from the nurse at my doctor's office with the MRI results.  It revealed that there is an increase in the degree of impingement on the nerves which would explain my symptoms.  The doctor's recommendation was that I have an Epidural Injection.  A needle is injected into the epidural space which surrounds the spinal canal and a steroid medication is injected which is suppose to shrink any swollen tissue and decrease inflammation in or around the nerve roots.

Well, through the years, I have had several epidural injections with poor or no positive results.  The last time was in 2012 when I went to Daly City near San Francisco to get the injection.  The doctor was highly recommended by a Neurologist I had seen for a consultation.  The doctor is an Anesthesiologist and is one of the pioneers in the field of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Spinal Injections.  I was very impressed with the doctor,  office  and surgical center.  Usually, a second procedure is done in six weeks if the injection gives some relief.  SADLY,  The procedure did not give me any relief.

I explained this to the nurse and told her I did not want to do it again.  By the way, the injection is painful and they can not put you totally asleep because you need to be able to tell the doctor where the pain is the strongest.  Then I told the nurse that I would like a referral to the Orthopedic Surgeon that I have seen in the past for regular follow-ups.  He comes to this area from the Bay Area a few days a month to see patients.  The nurse said that is who my doctor would recommend and she would send the referral.  The reason I want to see this doctor is that I respect his opinion and I want a consultation, especially since there continues to be new treatment approaches.

So now we start the "wait game".  But, I am very appreciative that the MRI results were reviewed by my doctor and I was notified promptly.

I am wishing all of you Good Health and Happiness.


1 comment:

  1. That was some kind of fast turn around for the MRI report. It is too bad that steroid treatments have not provided any relief in the past. Your new back brace sounds like a small miracle. Sending lots of positive vibes up your way for a quick response and appointment with the new physician.



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White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

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