Friday, August 3, 2018

Mama Bought Some New Cookware

And, Ivy got a new Cat House.
Cats usually enjoy big boxes that they can crawl inside and hide from the world .  Ivy is no different.  Just as I was about to break down the box I thought about Ivy and maybe I should keep it for her.  Sure enough, much to my surprise, before long she was inside and taking a nap.  I did not notice her going inside.  She moves about so very quietly ! This photo is when she was coming out from napping .  What a cutie pie .

And, boxes are good to sit on top of too.
Ivy continues to develop a great little personality and has started spending more time around me.  She lets me pick her up without resisting.  I can hold her in my lap and talk with her, brush her or just pet her.  But, she certainly has her own stopwatch when she has "had enough".  However, we are progressing and she is staying longer before she is "out of here" or I say "you can go now" before she starts wiggling to get down.  She is becoming very affectionate and I love that. I delight when  she sits at my feet and then rolls over, stretches and waits for a little tummy pet. That is Trust !

There is no doubt in my mind that she is deaf or partially deaf but I can not figure out what audible frequency she can hear.  I am beginning to think that she may be responding to vibration more than sound.  Especially, since my house is wood floor and not cement foundation .

Buy the way, I sent back her cat food feeding system.  She seems to be very curious but has a short interest span and I did tire of filling the "mice" every night !

I am so very thankful that I am able to give Ivy A Home .  It certainly is allowing my maternal instinct to bloom once again.  I think it is a win  -  win arrangement.
Let's talk about my new cookware.  It wasn't that I was desiring or badly needed new "pot and pans".  However, my cookware cupboards were --- well, a mess.  How many Great-Grandmas need everything from a vintage crepe pan, multiple sizes of cast iron, various brands of various sizes cookware and even a vintage (60's) fold over omelette pan.  Or, maybe a pan for Steamed Christmas Pudding.
Well anyway, when I saw this collection of T-fal for only $71 with free shipping online from Macy's I thought I should look into it a little more.  I have had various pieces of T-fal through the years and was satisfied.  I certainly do not need high end and heavy cookware.  I have been using the new cookware and it certainly meets my current needs.  I am also hoping the pretty new cookware will prompt me to do more real cooking .  Probably in the coming winter months I will be more enthused about cooking.
Now it is time to do some tossing out of unneeded cookware.  And, not only remove it from the cupboards, but FROM THE PREMISES .  The nightmare GARAGE is a clean out MUST.  I wish I could find some help.

Our air quality has not been very good because of the many fires.  This past week there were three grass fires very nearby.  The fireman and services promptly put them out.  Some people were getting ready to evacuate.  Bless our Fire Services !

Stay safe.


1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the new cookware. I treated myself to a wonderful set of All Clad Copper Core pots and pans about 6 years ago. I had been using a discarded set of 2 pots and one dutch over given to Steve by his mother 35 years prior. What a difference nice cookware makes in my cooking! I love the photos of Miss Ivy in the box. I remember our cats, Skippy and Scoopy, always getting in the boxes that held the boy's board games and Lego bits. Cats are so funny. I was wondering about the air quality up your way with those fires. It is a scary time for California right now.



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