Sunday, August 12, 2018


For these reasons
  • Medical Care system - can it get any worse
  • California fires
  • Computer issues
Where to start ?  The beginning - duh!   Is this an indicator of the mood around here ?

Medical Care.  I did not mention on my last post that I quickly got an appointment with the Referral Doctor  (new to the staff at our local hospital)  that I thought might be able to help me to determine if my abdominal symptoms are of any concern. The appointment was this past Wednesday.  Remember, an abdominal CAT scan with barium prep was ordered after I went to great length describing that I could not (unless emergency) do the barium prep because of my rectal incontinence!  All I wanted was to have someone listen and PAY ATTENTION to my short description of my symptoms and help me get some diagnostics if need be.

I thought the new to the area Doctor would be a good referral because two months ago when he came to the area his introduction and bio was in the local newspaper.  He is highly credentialed with a "fellowship in advanced gastroenterology in Pittsburgh, PA  and a colorectal fellowship in London, England".   He "believes wholeheartedly in the ability to treat the entire patient: mind, body and spirit".   Wow, sounds pretty good to me, for my needs.  Almost, to good to be true in this small community!

After providing my brief history of the issue he kept saying Biofeedback.  I asked what he meant and it seemed as though he was fixated for some reason on Biofeedback.  When I spoke of having a CAT scan without barium contrast he said that would not do any good .  By this time I was very annoyed and frustrated with what was beginning to sound like gibberish to me.  He was talking about only large teaching hospitals like Mayo Clinic do the surgery and the results track record is not good.   By this time I was ready to pull my hair out.  I don't think I have EVER been so outraged at a medical appointment. But, I kept the emotion to myself - inside !

Following more verbiage by him as well as myself I began to see that he thought I was seeing him for correction of rectal incontinence !!!   LISTENING would have gone a long way in expediting my medical care !   After all was said and done, I left with an order for a CAT scan with IV fluids only for the purpose of having "a baseline scan on file for comparison".  Those were his exact words and as long as I had the CAT scan order in my hand,     I WAS OUT OF THERE !!!    THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!    The scan is scheduled for next week.

NEXT - - - The fact that a LARGE fire in So. California by Lake Elsinore was started by a man that had a dispute with a neighbor is totally unfathomable to me !  Shear Madness.  Thank goodness he has been arrested!    So far 21,473 acres have burned and there is 29 percent containment .
There are so many fires throughout the state as well as other states and Canada, also .  It is so hard to believe .  It is difficult to comprehend the impact it has and will continue to have on lives for years to come.  How can enough appreciation be expressed for the aid of the thousands of people who are part of the humanitarian effort to take care of one another ?  Many, many HEROES out there.
The unhealthy smoke is traveling far and wide.  This is the city of San Francisco skyline !

Today's newspaper reported that some of the wonderful Historic Cabins and Cow Camps have been destroyed in the Donnell Fire. That is the fire that is not far from me and is the area that I had visited The Cabin with friends many times in the past.  So Sad.

NEXT - - - Computers !  If I was an irrational women, I would be throwing it out the window and enjoy the sound of crashing window glass .  Now, wouldn't that be stupid.  So, I won't do it.  OK.

I have been having more than usual issues relating to blogger comments ,  networks and passwords .It might have something to do with my state of mind - ya think !  I am writing this on Saturday and I am not sure of when it will post !   Wow, what would I do without my exclamation mark and capitol key ?  I guess I would have to start swearing  -  not really.

Maybe,  my brain is becoming smoke infiltrated and I should stop paying attention to all media  -  AND

That's all I have to say .



  1. I am glad you were able to get the script for the CAT scan at least. Hopefully you will get some information and a path forward. My father has been in the hospital since last Wednesday and I am honestly a bit put out by the attitude of the doctors. They only come by once a day, no set schedule, no warning. I have not seen one since the day he was admitted from the ER. And I am at the hospital everyday. The nurses are fantastic and are full of information and much kindness.
    Oh-these fires. I am very concerned about this winter. There will be some horrible floods and runoff when the rains come I am afraid.
    I had some issues in posting comments lately, but all appears to be well now!
    Take care dear Mary-you have any wine in the house? A glass might be a good thing!!!!

    1. Dear Anita, I am so sorry to hear that your father is not well and is in the hospital. It is so frustrating to deal with the health care system these days. I hope you are holding up and fighting the fight. Wishing all of you strength and love at this challenging time. Love from Mary



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009