Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The TIMES Are Very Different Up Here
It is so very disheartening how life as we have known in the past is continuing to dramatically change even in small communities that have felt secure and mostly tranquil .
According to a newspaper notice posted on Friday, by a nearby neighbor stating "Unfortunately we found that our whole area was hit last night . Damage to Christmas decorations to mailboxes and even stolen cars ." It is shocking and terrible ! Thankfully , I was not hit . And , it made me realize that my recent purchase and installation of a security camera at the front of the garage was probably a good idea . I have turned the volume higher of the message that says " Hi , May I Help You? And, I can see the front of my house including any movement on my tablet device . I watched the FedEx delivery man react to THE VOICE when later in the day I looked at my tablet ! Who knows if this stuff is helpful ! I just want to be safe !! The light/camera is above the garage door . I also have motion sensor lights on each side of the house .
As you know my life is extremely quiet and simple these days . It is challenging to greet each day with gratitude . But , I never want to lose sight of how wonderful it is to be safe , healthy (for the most part), warm and cozy .
According to a newspaper notice posted on Friday, by a nearby neighbor stating "Unfortunately we found that our whole area was hit last night . Damage to Christmas decorations to mailboxes and even stolen cars ." It is shocking and terrible ! Thankfully , I was not hit . And , it made me realize that my recent purchase and installation of a security camera at the front of the garage was probably a good idea . I have turned the volume higher of the message that says " Hi , May I Help You? And, I can see the front of my house including any movement on my tablet device . I watched the FedEx delivery man react to THE VOICE when later in the day I looked at my tablet ! Who knows if this stuff is helpful ! I just want to be safe !! The light/camera is above the garage door . I also have motion sensor lights on each side of the house .
As you know my life is extremely quiet and simple these days . It is challenging to greet each day with gratitude . But , I never want to lose sight of how wonderful it is to be safe , healthy (for the most part), warm and cozy .
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Nice To Have Memories
Of Christmases past .

Not much going on around here . Some outdoor maintenance of gathering leaves to be hauled away. And there are a lot of them all over the place.
Too many for barrels, so I have gathered them up in piles on large tarps covered with other tarps so they don't blow all over ! Hard work , but I find that it is easier on my back to use the leaf blower to move them about than it is to is to scoop them up to lift and put into barrels . Another windy heavy rain storm with snow at higher levels is forecast for this evening . I noticed that since cleaning up yesterday the wind over night has blown more leaves down and all over the patio and driveway . Living life day by day doing what I can .
Hope your Christmas Holidays are being enjoyed by All .
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Walking Through The Holidays
My little gal IVY has been a very sick little gal . She is a rescue cat and certainly has had some issues . Her adoption was considered an "AS IS" adoption because she was resistant to being touched thus making care and treatment very difficult. Most often change of behavior patterns can change very slowly . And, it was a couple weeks ago that I thought she was exceedingly restless . Her annual vaccination appointment was soon . But, I noticed a teeny little worm when I was vacuuming ! My response was "oh, NO . As you know , I have been letting her go outside on occasion . AND , I have not been faithful in giving her the monthly Advantage (multi) medication which is so unlike me !
Well , the long and the short of it is that I told the Vet that I thought she had worms . So along with her rabies vaccine she was given another vaccine for outdoor cats as well as deworming medication. I was of the thought that she may have come to me with the worms but with further review of her file I noted that Rescue had giving her deworming medication before adoption . It looks like I was a bad mommy !
She was so sick the first day after the Vet visit . Did not want to be touched and slept all day except for food/water and litter box . After a few days she is doing great and is like a new cat . No more frantic running through the house or staying up all night thus keeping me up all night . I am so so happy that she is feeling better.
She was so sick the first day after the Vet visit . Did not want to be touched and slept all day except for food/water and litter box . After a few days she is doing great and is like a new cat . No more frantic running through the house or staying up all night thus keeping me up all night . I am so so happy that she is feeling better.
I have continued my efforts in trying to find a doctor who will assist me in procuring some medication that will help me with my Seasonal Affective Disorder . After contacting about six different medical offices - no luck ! I did find one that would see me in six months . Another one was a four month wait for a TELE-HELP phone appointment ! Hard to believe ! Just like so many things in our current social order - or - disorder . We have had so many dark , wet , cold days of late . I have started using Light Therapy again , but have not noticed any help . I will continue working on a solution .
Sending Holiday wishes as you travel along these Holidays !
Saturday, December 7, 2019
It Disappeared
I have no idea how my post disappeared . I usually have an idea of how it happens , but not this time ! Boo Hoo !
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Thanksgiving Time And Maybe Snow
And, OH, is it ever cold . The leaves are still falling with the winds that continue to blow through . I spent a couple hours outside trying to clean some of them up so it won't be such a mess with the rainfall and possible snow .
For many, many days I have spent a lot of time trying to install my security camera at the front of the garage . Getting the Wi-Fi connected with a strong signal was challenging me and I was almost at the point of yelling "I give up" . But, you know those words are not in my usual vocabulary . The motion lights do not work correctly if the camera isn't working correctly. I was so happy when it started working properly !
My new front porch light needed a little attention . One of the wire nuts was not secured well . It is now fixed and all is well with the dusk to dawn light sensor.
I have new weather stripping to install on my three outdoor doors. It amazes me with the amount of cold air that comes in without proper stripping . My new small power drill/ driver should made that job go quickly .
This colder weather is not playing nice with my aging body and chronic pain . But , I continue to push forward .
I recently tried a new recipe called Autumn Umami Chicken . Interestingly, one of the ingredients is PUMPKIN PUREE . Before I go further , I was wondering what is UMAMI ? The word was new to me . Umami is Savory taste . It is one of the five basic tastes) together with sweetness, sourness, bitterness and saltiness). You can taste UMAMI in foods that contain a high level of the amino acid glutamate, like Parmesan cheese, seaweed, miso and mushrooms. Along with pumpkin some of the ingredients included are chicken (duh), onion, garlic, mushrooms , rice, broth and seasoning like smokey paprika and soy sauce . Interesting ingredients !
These ingredients provide a taste that you might find in the common MSG . It was in the late 1970's when this flavor was first introduced .
Also, I prepared a dessert called Pumpkin Dump Cake and it is sinfully GOOD.
And, so so easy! You can find the recipe and more photos here .
That's it for today . Wishing you a Thanksgiving that meets your expectations and shows your appreciation for the life you have including the smallest of joys that you are experiencing.
I had to come back and add this entertaining photo that I saw on another blog.
For many, many days I have spent a lot of time trying to install my security camera at the front of the garage . Getting the Wi-Fi connected with a strong signal was challenging me and I was almost at the point of yelling "I give up" . But, you know those words are not in my usual vocabulary . The motion lights do not work correctly if the camera isn't working correctly. I was so happy when it started working properly !
My new front porch light needed a little attention . One of the wire nuts was not secured well . It is now fixed and all is well with the dusk to dawn light sensor.
I have new weather stripping to install on my three outdoor doors. It amazes me with the amount of cold air that comes in without proper stripping . My new small power drill/ driver should made that job go quickly .
This colder weather is not playing nice with my aging body and chronic pain . But , I continue to push forward .
I recently tried a new recipe called Autumn Umami Chicken . Interestingly, one of the ingredients is PUMPKIN PUREE . Before I go further , I was wondering what is UMAMI ? The word was new to me . Umami is Savory taste . It is one of the five basic tastes) together with sweetness, sourness, bitterness and saltiness). You can taste UMAMI in foods that contain a high level of the amino acid glutamate, like Parmesan cheese, seaweed, miso and mushrooms. Along with pumpkin some of the ingredients included are chicken (duh), onion, garlic, mushrooms , rice, broth and seasoning like smokey paprika and soy sauce . Interesting ingredients !
These photos are from when I was preparing this very different, earthy flavored chicken dinner entree . Would I make it again ? Yes . Recipe can be found here .
Also, I prepared a dessert called Pumpkin Dump Cake and it is sinfully GOOD.
And, so so easy! You can find the recipe and more photos here .
That's it for today . Wishing you a Thanksgiving that meets your expectations and shows your appreciation for the life you have including the smallest of joys that you are experiencing.
I had to come back and add this entertaining photo that I saw on another blog.
Monday, November 25, 2019
An Unfinished Women- Not So Much
I don't fully understand (sure wish I did) why my mother continued trying until her death to control and dominate me and especially her desperate need to convince me to duplicate her exact interpretation of her super conservative religious beliefs . That type of control can have far reaching psychological damage . To this day I am so thankful for the many years I sought psychotherapy . And, that is before it was considered by the public to be part of comprehensive Medical Care . Without a doubt, psychotherapy saved my life !
I was present with my mother the last two weeks of her life . She was 88 years of age and her passing was a long slow process . Throughout my early lifetime I always heard from my mother that the end of the world was going to happen in HER LIFETIME . Perhaps that may explain something about her very lengthy process of dying . Just a thought that came to me about a year ago . If you think about it, that kind of dialogue for a child can be somewhat disturbing and pose questions about my very own life and how long my life might be !!!
Unabashedly , I will say that I was like A Bird Out Of A Cage when my Mother passed ! My father passed 20 years prior . And, I do not recall a relationship of any significance with him . My mind reference is one of power, no nonsense, law and very strict .
Being blessed with longevity (now 80 years old) has provided room for peace and acceptance of all the past issues of life lived before this moment that I do not understand . There is comfort and confidence beyond my furthest imagination . What a feeling of limitless JOY . Unexpectedly, I feel rather joyous as I pursue the pathway (be it short - or long) before me .
Here I Come !
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Today's Thought
Recently I viewed these words written by Stephen Downey and found them worthy of passing along .
Every minute someone leaves this world behind.
Every minute someone leaves this world behind.
Age has nothing to do with it.
We are all in this the line without realizing it.
We never know how many people are before us. We can not move to the back of the line.
We can not step out of the line.
We can not avoid the line.
We are all in this the line without realizing it.
We never know how many people are before us. We can not move to the back of the line.
We can not step out of the line.
We can not avoid the line.
So while we wait in line -
Make moments count.
Make a difference.
Make the call.
Make priorities.
Make the time.
Make your gifts known.
Make a nobody feel like a somebody.
Make your voice heard.
Make the small things big.
Make someone smile.
Make the change.
Make yourself a priority.
Make love.
Make the call.
Make priorities.
Make the time.
Make your gifts known.
Make a nobody feel like a somebody.
Make your voice heard.
Make the small things big.
Make someone smile.
Make the change.
Make yourself a priority.
Make love.
Make up.
Make peace.
Make sure to tell your people they are loved.
Make waves.
Make sure to have no regrets.
Make sure you are ready.
by Stephen Downey
Make peace.
Make sure to tell your people they are loved.
Make waves.
Make sure to have no regrets.
Make sure you are ready.
by Stephen Downey
My days have been filled with need-be activities like lots of phone calls for various reasons , frequently traveling about 30 miles each way on winding country roads to tend to medical appointments and shopping. The weather has been beautiful and I have been enjoying the little trips . And, I have been eating either lunch or dinner at one of the many little restaurants that have been familiar to me for years . Yesterday late day I stopped at Pinocchio's Italian restaurant, a favorite little (no more than about 12 booths) place and I enjoyed Lasagna Bianca which I had never eaten before. It was outstanding and reportedly made with "grandma's cream sauce" recipe , similar to an alfredo cheese sauce . I accompanied this with a Italian Dinner Salad and some Boysenberry Spumoni . Dinner was outstanding ! Taking time to eat dinner placed me in the time frame of driving home in the dark which I have not done in a long time . All went well for me . However , witnessed a five care accident which looked terrible prior to multiple sirened police cars arriving .
I have been given a clean bill of health from the Oncologist with a six month follow-up . A questionable spot on my forehead has been evaluated by a Dermatologist and treated with Cryotherapy for what she diagnosed as Seborrheic Keratoses-non cancer ! Follow-up in one month. Saw the ENT Specialist for annual Ear Canal/wax removal because I have very small ear canals - - - I guess because I am a small lady ! I am still trying to find a doctor (Physiatrist) to prescribe some medication for my Seasonal Affective Disorder. Everytime, I get a new name , when I call, the doctor is no longer available . Found one with 4 month wait ! Tenaciousness is with me !
And, I am caught up with shopping for house essentials that are not always available locally. It is always something ! Currently, one of the batteries in my home security system needs replacement .
I am so thankful that I did NOT loose power like nearby counties did this week.
So far, three month wait for generator installation . Tenaciousness, needed again!
I think that is it for what feels like a lot has been accomplished .
Have A Great Day.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
National Recognition Day For Tattoos
Of course there is a special day !
There is a DAY for everything, isn't there ? In this current day and age Tattooing appears to be a lot more popular . Tattooing is one form of Body Modification which is deliberately altering one's physical appearance . Throughout time , different cultures have engaged in the practice through a vast number of procedures and for a vast number of reasons and for a vast number of visual results ! Of course we know there is a very long history of this type of self expression . Even though this subject is only of little interest to me, in my opinion it is Very Crazeeeeeeeeeeeey ! For me , one (maybe two) tattoos are enough self modification for this ol' gal !
The world is filled with different perspectives on what makes life meaningful . There is something for everyone . And, "that something" is certainly visible on the Internet . You can easily find "that something" when you aren't even looking for it !
Can you imagine having the moniker of "Most Tattooed Female Senior Citizen".
Sounds Very Crazeeeeeeeeeeeey to me .
How do you go from this - - - - 1960 matrimonial ceremony - - -
To this - - - - marriage for 55 years to an engineer. And , holder of a Guinness World Record. .
Most of the following script and photos have come from the Internet .
It wasn’t until Isobel Varley was 49 that she had gotten her first tattoos, one of a bird on her shoulder - - - (Oh oh, I better be careful . But, think of how much it would cost - and hurt!) and the other was a tattoo of a small flower on her left thigh. After that day, Isobel knew she wanted to get many many more tattoos. Because of her new addiction, she had unintentionally created an image for herself to be known as “The Most Tattooed Female Senior Citizen”, which had been officially titled to her by the Guinness Book of World Records back in 1999 when she had only had 72% of her body covered.
Pursuing her addiction as she called it was initially limited to areas of her body that were not visible to the world because she worked as a silver service waitress and secretary.
When she retired she dedicated her body to being covered in tattoos from head to toe , known as a bodysuit. Isobel’s tattoos were mostly animal and nature inspired, but in the later years she added some extreme tattoos and piercings that included eroticism . Isobel always said that her most favorite tattoo she had was of the family of tigers on her stomach.

As of 2009, it was recorded that Isobel had 93% of her body covered leaving only her face, ears, the soles of her feet and some area of her hands left untouched.
According to , it is people like Isobel that give inspiration to others to be as crazy and unique as their hearts desire as long as it makes you happy. Much like many other people out there with tattoos, Isobel also stressed the importance of planning out the tattoos you want to get before putting them on your body. If you’re going to have one done, you’ve got to think about it carefully because it’s going to last a very long time so you’ve got to be sure it’s what you want.”
On May 14, 2015 at the age of 77 Isobel Yarley passed away after battling Alzheimer,s disease .
" Being that she was a huge symbol in the tattoo world, it truly is a loss for us all. To celebrate the wonderful life this woman had lived, it is important for all of us to appreciate the joy she had brought into so many people as well as the passion and dedication Varley had put into the tattoos and other mods she had proudly worn on her body. Her upbeat attitude, charming laugh, and unique body modifications will forever be remembered by us all. "
Others have followed in her path continuing to achieve Guinness World Records.
Crazeeeeeeeeeeeey !
Until next time . Been busy with medical appointments and the garden . Feeling good and adjusting to shorter days!
There is a DAY for everything, isn't there ? In this current day and age Tattooing appears to be a lot more popular . Tattooing is one form of Body Modification which is deliberately altering one's physical appearance . Throughout time , different cultures have engaged in the practice through a vast number of procedures and for a vast number of reasons and for a vast number of visual results ! Of course we know there is a very long history of this type of self expression . Even though this subject is only of little interest to me, in my opinion it is Very Crazeeeeeeeeeeeey ! For me , one (maybe two) tattoos are enough self modification for this ol' gal !
The world is filled with different perspectives on what makes life meaningful . There is something for everyone . And, "that something" is certainly visible on the Internet . You can easily find "that something" when you aren't even looking for it !
Can you imagine having the moniker of "Most Tattooed Female Senior Citizen".
Sounds Very Crazeeeeeeeeeeeey to me .
How do you go from this - - - - 1960 matrimonial ceremony - - -
To this - - - - marriage for 55 years to an engineer. And , holder of a Guinness World Record. .
Most of the following script and photos have come from the Internet .

When she retired she dedicated her body to being covered in tattoos from head to toe , known as a bodysuit. Isobel’s tattoos were mostly animal and nature inspired, but in the later years she added some extreme tattoos and piercings that included eroticism . Isobel always said that her most favorite tattoo she had was of the family of tigers on her stomach.
As of 2009, it was recorded that Isobel had 93% of her body covered leaving only her face, ears, the soles of her feet and some area of her hands left untouched.
According to , it is people like Isobel that give inspiration to others to be as crazy and unique as their hearts desire as long as it makes you happy. Much like many other people out there with tattoos, Isobel also stressed the importance of planning out the tattoos you want to get before putting them on your body. If you’re going to have one done, you’ve got to think about it carefully because it’s going to last a very long time so you’ve got to be sure it’s what you want.”
On May 14, 2015 at the age of 77 Isobel Yarley passed away after battling Alzheimer,s disease .
" Being that she was a huge symbol in the tattoo world, it truly is a loss for us all. To celebrate the wonderful life this woman had lived, it is important for all of us to appreciate the joy she had brought into so many people as well as the passion and dedication Varley had put into the tattoos and other mods she had proudly worn on her body. Her upbeat attitude, charming laugh, and unique body modifications will forever be remembered by us all. "
Others have followed in her path continuing to achieve Guinness World Records.
Crazeeeeeeeeeeeey !
Until next time . Been busy with medical appointments and the garden . Feeling good and adjusting to shorter days!
Friday, November 8, 2019
Now And Then I Think About Getting Another
I say another . Did you know that for my 70th Birthday I got a tattoo of a Bluebird of Happiness .
Life was feeling pretty good but not as good as it does now !
A Sweet Little Bluebird On My Shoulder .
And, the color has remained vibrant.
Another story is that in 1948 Art Mooney and his Orchestra had a best-selling record about the Bluebird of Happiness. The words were written by Edward Heyman and Harry Parr Davies.
Here are the lyrics - - -
The beggar man and his mighty king are only
different in name,
For they are treated just the same by fate.
Today a smile and tomorrow tears,
We're never sure what's in store,
So learn your lesson before to late, so
Be like I, hold your head up high,
Till you find a bluebird of happiness.
You will find a greater peace of mind
Knowing there's a bluebird of happiness.
And when he sings to you,
Though you're deep in blue,
You will see a ray of light creep through,
And so remember this, life is no abyss
Somewhere there's a bluebird of happiness.
Life is sweet, tender and complete
When you find the bluebird of happiness.
You will find perfect peace of mind
When you find the bluebird of happiness.
Two hearts that beat as one,
"Neath a new found sun,
We are in a world that's just begun,
And you must sing his song, as you go along,
When you find the bluebird of happiness.
So - - - maybe , since 10 years have past and I am now 80 years old , perhaps a sweet little tattoo that shows these loving creatures that symbolize for me the unconditional love that I have received from all of my pets throughout my life would be a good choice ? Nothing to fancy but with a little color !
A long time ago when I saw this image there was and continues to be something that draws me toward it . It says so much to me ! Maybe - showing Heart Love !
Did you know that there is a National Recognition Day for almost everything ? ? ?
Be sure to check back soon to see and learn something crazeeeeeeeeeeeey !
Enjoy Your Weekend .
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Who Is That In My Kitchen
Who is that in my kitchen cabinet ? Oh, it's my precious Ivy checking out if I have the right saucepan to make some Broccoli Cheese Soup. Looks like I do.
Adding a goodly amount of Cheddar Cheese and a dash of Nutmeg finishing it off for a little tasting .
And, OH. is it ever good ! Creamy rich and flavorful . Wonderful on the first day of Daylight Saving change of clock when the evenings are cooler and earlier.
And, now Ivy is showing us what to do on a day when the Power is turned off . Sure hope that does not happen again soon .
It looks pretty dark , warm and cozy in there !
I am happy to say that I am feeling like I am getting some of "my lost energy" back . Don't know where it went but I found some . It is nice to get some homemade food in the freezer again !
Happy New Week.
Adding a goodly amount of Cheddar Cheese and a dash of Nutmeg finishing it off for a little tasting .
And, now Ivy is showing us what to do on a day when the Power is turned off . Sure hope that does not happen again soon .
It looks pretty dark , warm and cozy in there !
I am happy to say that I am feeling like I am getting some of "my lost energy" back . Don't know where it went but I found some . It is nice to get some homemade food in the freezer again !
Happy New Week.
White Garden 2009

IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban
Iris Flowers 2009

In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky
Pink Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers 2009