Thursday, August 29, 2019

Progress - A Little And Stuff

After yesterday, I felt exhausted but felt like some progress had been made toward regaining my desired lifestyle !  I had an appointment with my Psychologist and had a chance to discuss the issues around the troubling events with family members a month ago .  I have some clarity as to what I may do in the future when I can think more clearly after hopefully getting further along with my medical situation  .

Following some diligent investigation I found that the X-ray requisition never was transmitted to the hospital Radiology Department.  No big surprise there !!!  So, then I set to work and after many phone calls and waiting on line for unreasonable lengths of time as of early this AM I now have an appointment for the prescribed Small Bowel follow-through X-ray series with contrasting dye (yes, Barium) for next Wednesday .
The joy that I feel is only because I finally have been able to get this Nasty X-ray test scheduled .  Let me tell you more about what this X-ray is all about . The procedure is performed in the Radiology Department . Nothing by mouth after midnight . Barium is given by mouth in small amounts and x-rays are taken as it travels through the small intestine . The purpose is to try to accurately diagnose bowel disease, obstructions, polyps, cancer and other symptoms .  Because of my chronic rectal incontinence (which I deal with fairly well) any X-ray with the ingestion of Barium presents a very challenging situation because of the lack of control of body function.  I think you can get the picture !

Believe me, I would not be going through this if I did not think it is important and because I have symptoms of undetermined cause . 
On a more satisfying note, I have been able to cross off many items on my To-Do List .
* Replaced the dead battery in home security sensor that is near the ceiling . Tall ladder needed .
* Cleaned two tube skylight ceiling lenses . Yes, ladder needed .
* Replaced dead battery in wall clock near ceiling in garage . Yes, ladder .
* Repaired door that would not stay closed that goes from house to garage . Thought it was hinge - not . It was strike plate .
* Replaced inadequate kitchen ceiling light fixture . Yes, ladder .
* Replaced dead battery in decorative outdoor clock/thermometer.
It feels good to cross things off the list .  But, it never seems to be completely blank .  And, no it isn't a Honey Do List because there isn't A Honey to do !!!   ðŸ˜¶
The garden is still showing a lot of color with many flowers blooming. This collage shows some of the flowers today 😃.
And , one more thing !  Can you see this little fella ?  Pretty good camouflage , don't you think?
I think this is a KATYDID .  They look like a leaf .
I saw him/her this evening on my Calla Lily while I was watering the garden .

I hope your week has been going well and hopefully you do not live near the impending Florida hurricane .  If so - please be safe !


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White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009