Sunday, July 12, 2020

Early Morning Baking

- - - Before it gets to hot .  It was time for some Banana Nut Bread .

Those bananas were just perfect !  Interesting how fast they turn once you see the first darkening spot .  I tried a new recipe that uses brown sugar instead of white . Also, has some added plain yogurt .  I had enough bananas to double the recipe . When I first added the flour I didn't have the pouring guard on and you wouldn't want to see a photo of that !  Flour - flour everywhere .  Even on the flour .

The result has just the right amount of sweetness and the texture is very nice .  Certainly a recipe to be repeated .  It will be nice to have some in the freezer .

Buy the way , my Gazpacho Soup turned out great last week .  The coolness of the soup tasted so good during these hot days .  Filled with vegetables and so nourishing .

I'm doing pretty good in the kitchen lately .  I was beginning to think I might be loosing "my touch" with a few not to successful results . Gotta keep my skills up .  You know - use it or you loose it .

It would be nice if you could join me .  I'll serve some ice tea .

More elegant Gladiolus .
Hope you are having a good day .  It would be so nice if the Pandemic numbers would start going down . But , with the opposing attitude regarding protective procedures of so many people is going to make recovery very very difficult !



  1. I'd love a slice of your banana bread! Gazpacho is a wonderful summer dish - we're having a cooler than normal summer and I'm longing for some heat.

  2. Yummy looking banana bread. I have a recipe that uses bourbon, just a splash. I made Steve a spice cake a few days ago with the intent of freezing most of it for treats later. He ate the whole thing though.



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009