Hummingbirds are such a delight in my opinion! They are very little, very fast, very curious, very beautiful, very competitive, very feisty and a whole lot of fun! I recently came across this little info regarding care of a Hummingbird feeder. And, some of the information is new to me. There may be some information new and/or interesting to you, too.
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Hummingbirds And Their Feeders
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Monday, July 18, 2022
Mysteries In The Garden
As I was finishing up and smoothing out the soil a saw something that got my attention in the far corner of the raised planter.
What in the world am I seeing? As I proceeded to pick it up with my gloved hand it felt and looked like a big chicken egg. It had some weight to it and felt like something was inside. I gently returned it to its location and covered it as I found it. I have never seen anything like it in my garden in the past.
What do you think it is or what is it going to be? After checking it for a couple days it is still intact and safe. Is it a lizard or a snake? Any ideas? A little strange since I have been writing lately about the lizards in my garden!!!
This morning I have been getting caught up on miscellaneous jobs like refilling the Yellow Jacket Traps with attractant, installed a new outdoor thermometer on the outside window frame so I can easily see the HOT temperature through my dinning room window. We are having a heat wave and it is currently over 100 degrees. Also refilled the Humming bird feeder with fresh nectar.
And, of course the daily outdoor watering of the garden!
Have a Great Day and let me know what you think is going to be born in my raised planter. Of course we may never know if it lives to scamper away!!!
Saturday, July 16, 2022
Squirrels and Butterflies and A Frightening Lizard
Along with my interest in birds and foxes there are many more creatures in my garden that I enjoy. Along with the many Squirrels that are such a common sight that I often forget that not everyone sees squirrels when they walk out their front door!
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
The Plant That I Could Not Smell
That's right. The day I could NOT smell the Gardenias that had just started blooming, I knew something wasn't right.
But, had no idea what was going on with me. And, I don't really have any idea to this day! If you have ever smelled Gardenias you know what I mean! It's a fragrance that you can not ignore. My plant is loaded with buds and before long the plant will be a shower of white blossoms. I have always liked Gardenias. When I was young and growing up our backyard was bordered on one side with gardenias. I have no idea who planted them. But, I always enjoyed the yearly fragrance!
I think it was in 2020 about this time of year that I totally lost my sense of Smell. I do not know why but thankfully my sense of smell has almost returned to normal. This was happening during the time I was loosing weight. Otherwise, I felt fine. In addition to loosing my sense of smell and appetite I have had a change in the quality of my skin. Never had dry and flakey skin prior. My appetite has returned and I have gained some weight The important thing for me is that I am feeling OK! No doctor that I saw had any assistance or direction for me. I had vaccinations as directed!
Throughout my life I have had a strong immunity. I never had any childhood diseases. Never had the flu and can't remember the last time I had a cold - but it was a long time ago. I kind of wonder if my body was fighting off something! Possibly Covid .
With the recent serge of another Covid variant I take it very seriously to continue to be aware of precautions .
My sincere concern for all of you who have had life altering events as a result of Covid!
Interesting World we live in. Blessings and Encouragement to live life to the fullest.
Sunday, July 10, 2022
Do You Know The Green Man
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Water, Water, Water Go Away
But, it looks like the earth is leaking. This has been increasing for months and now it is time to take care of. It's a leaking water line that goes from the house to the water meter. Unfortunately, there was a mistake that was made by a Sprinkler System Installer that cut the line several years ago and repaired it but did not reveal the incident to me. All was well for a few years before the "earth started leaking ".
When I had it checked out, we learned at that time that the line had already been repaired and then it had to be repaired again. This is a photo of what it looked like when the last repair was done a few years ago.
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
What's This All About
Sunday, July 3, 2022
Statue Of Liberty
Friday, July 1, 2022
White Dawn Climbing Rose
A couple years ago I bought and installed this trellis for support for my climbing rose - White New Dawn.
White Garden 2009

Iris Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers 2009