Saturday, July 16, 2022

Squirrels and Butterflies and A Frightening Lizard

Along with my interest in birds and foxes there are many more creatures in my garden that I enjoy.  Along with the many Squirrels that are such a common sight that I often forget that not everyone sees squirrels when they walk out their front door! 

(I caught this one on the run to get a photo)

There is another little creature that can be very elusive especially during infancy and that is the Lizard!  Since the beginning of gardening season I have noticed a few more lizards like no other year.  During the recent weeks I have notice many many little lizards that are scampering about all over in my yard. I understand that this is the time that the baby lizards have been hatching out of their eggs.  Most of these baby lizards are one of two widespread species in this part of California and they are the Western Fence Lizard and the Side-blotched Lizard.

This is what "the little ones" look like in my garden that I think are the Western Fence Lizard.  When researching I came to realize how many different species of lizards there are around the world  -  and it is a LOT!   It's easy to understand why so many children enjoy playing with lizards.  They really are fascinating.             

                                                (Google Image)

Before this year, I didn't really care much for lizards!  Actually, feeling a little annoyed with them, not knowing where they were going "so fast".  But, now I think they are kind of cute as I constantly see them scurrying out from under one rock to another or an area they feel safe.

Many years ago I had an incident with an ALLIGATOR LIZARD (who looked pretty big to me) that got into my car - - some how.  And, he/she would lie in the back window of the car sunning itself when the car wasn't being driven.  For months we searched to get that lizard out of my car with no success. We even tore the upholstery apart!  What was I going to do.  I feared that one day it would crawl up my pant leg!  YIKES.  So, I kept using the car - always on "high alert".

Many months (maybe a year) went by when one day I went shopping to a garden center to buy a couple large clay pottery pats.  I put then on the floor in the back seat.  Nesting one inside the other.  When I got home I was tired and decided to take the pots out of the car in the morning because my back was painful and they were heavy. 

So, in the morning I went about my day and eventually decided to take the pots out of the car.  I lifted the smaller pot up and "WHAT THE ------"!  There it was!

(Google Image - California Alligator Lizard)

Alright now - RELAX AND THINK . I don't remember the details, but some how I managed to put a black trash bag over the large pot and get the lizard in the bag without the clay pot. 

 Off I drove to an area close buy that was more rural.  Because I didn't want to harm him I dumped him out to rehome him away from my home.  And, I yelled "HAPPY NEW HOME - LIZZY".  And, even now when I drive by that spot I occasionally remember and  say "Hi Lizzy".

A little "crazy" helps get us from one day to the next - - don't you think?

Well, I guess another day I'll comment on my love of butterflies!

OH, I want to mention that yesterday when I was out watering near the front fence I thought I saw "my" fox. It looked like he was lying down, stretched out showing all it's beautiful colors.  Sadly, he was dead.  He didn't look like he had been hit by a car (since he was close to the road) but he looked normal - like sleeping! It was such a shock to me.  I had not realized how attached I had become to my forest creatures.  I found myself putting my hand over my heart!  Rest in peace little one!


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White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

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