Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Spring Is Popping

It is not a walk in the park, but close. Sunday afternoon I walked outside to feel the warm sunshine on my back and was so happy to see my garden waking up some more. What a joy it was. So, I went back into the house to get my camera to do a little and quick "point and shoot". No staging for photos, just walking along and oohing and awing! 
The white flowers at the top are what I am finding out to be quite remarkable. They are called 'Narcissus Thalia' and it is a pure white daffodil with two or three heads, each with slightly re-curved outer petals. The impressive aspect of these flowers is that they really last a long time. The blooms may look fragile but they can withstand a lot of wind as well as rain.
Aren't they magnificent? These have been rained on two or three times and still looking great. I think I picked them up at Walmart last November and did not get them planted for a week or more. And, look at them now. Can you hear my excitement?
The chives are bursting like I have not seen for a long time. It is hard to believe that my garden has done much of anything the last few years with the horrible drought. But, this year, my oh my, It is fabulous what I am starting to see. Behind the chives is a small White Hydrangea that I planted at the end of season last year. And, toward the right is a new little English Thyme herb that I just planted.
And, what a delight when I walked to the other side of the house. The sun was shining so lovely and you probably know how much I love the sun! The Purple Phlox is really bursting with color.
The seasonal creek runs along the right side, kind of parallel with the little pathway that you can see. On both sides of the path I see Daylilies starting to grow. And, on the far left side I can see some Alstroemeria which is really spreading nicely. I think I remember the color to be a shaded pink. Alstroemeria is the flower that you frequently see in the super market during spring and summer.
And, this year my Purple Gazing Ball is really "showing off" with all the Purple Phlox blooming nearby. The ball has been there since I received it as a gift shortly after I moved here over twenty years ago. I am so grateful that it hasn't been broken by the many tree branches and limbs that have fallen through the years. Oh, by the way, I "planted" it on top of a tomato cage!

I hope you enjoyed your little walk with me.

As you may know, March has been an extremely difficult and challenging month for me, more so than any. I am looking forward to renewed life just as my garden.

Happy Days to You.


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter Wishes

 Some More Smiles for all of Us.
Puppy Easter

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Just A Little Sweet Tenderness

I do NOT know who to credit for this photo. But, I DO KNOW that it brought a much needed smile to my face. Who doesn't need a little helping hand now and then?

My back pain has been very intense and debilitating and my psyche is not much better! But, I just keep putting one foot in front of the other, the best I can. The lack of contact with others (sadly, so many have "passed on") is difficult. And lack of involved family is terribly devastating. It is somewhat the story of my life since childhood. It is just tougher as I get older and the physical body fails to respond to my tenaciousness and strong will. The horrendous grief of loosing my Precious Lily feels earth shattering. I am not asking for remedy ideas, I'm just letting you know my current reality.  Your prayers would be welcomed and appreciated.

I sincerely wish all of you a Beautiful Weekend.


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Small Break

Just for a little time. Life is really difficult for me at this time. I'll be back.


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Yes, It Is March

And, my flowers are from the garden. How wonderful is that? But, what a terrible time I have had trying to get this photo to look halfway decent! I hope it is just the lighting and not my camera. No, it could not possibly be me. HA, HA, HA. It really is kind of sad. I have a wonderful little camera but I have never learned to use all the settings and there are many. Maybe, my difficulties taking photos lately will push me to learn to do better.
The crocheted Spring colored doily is something new that I recently completed. I am beginning to think that it may be nice to make some more and I could use them as place mats especially for spring time. The yarn is Stylecraft Special DK and the yarn is washable which is a nice added plus for table dressings. The pattern is called an Easter Mandala by Crafternoon Treats-April-2015.

We have been very blessed with heavy rainfall for the past several days. Several inches of rain and snow has been wonderful for the state's water supply. In the last few days we have had over four inches of rain. The snow level is quite close to me at 3,500 foot elevation. Unfortunately, the high winds have been fierce and caused trees and branches to fall. And, another storm that is expected to be colder is forecast for next week which could potentially produce significant rain, wind and snow.
This photo is from today's newspaper. 

The days are getting a little easier for me to deal with the loss of my Precious Lily. And, I am thankful.

Where ever you are I wish you a Warm Heart and Warm Hands.


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Opened The Window Drapes

To a Rain Washed World at least from my perspective. How lovely! It seems as though we are getting some good rainfall mostly during the nighttime. At least that is the way it has been for the last two nights. I love the sunshine and mild temperatures we are having during the daytime.

Yesterday I walked around my little garden areas and observed how much needs to be done. Mostly the weeds are the biggest issue. The rains have brought up a tremendous amount of beautiful green. At the present time they are easy to pull but they are getting taller day by day. But, it's OK because the water is more important.

There is not much starting to bloom but there is a lot of new growth in the garden. Of course, if you have a Forsythia Yellow Plant you know it is the harbinger of spring as it is an early bloomer along with Red Quince.

I have just a few photos I tried to take yesterday during a light rain. The quality of these photos show that I was feeling impatient with my lack of photo expertise. Oh well, another day they will be better.

I am trying very hard to adjust to life without my sweet Lily. My greatest comfort is that she is no longer suffering. And I am so grateful for all the love, comfort and fun that she gave to me during the ten years. I know it will take me awhile to feel better. Please excuse my less than typical attempt at blogging. 

That said, I did some cooking which seemed very appropriate on a slightly rainy day. I had been reading pot chuck roast recipes and one in particular caught my attention. Specifically, because it called for one cup of strong coffee

So, here it is and it turned out with great flavor along with carrots, onions, potatoes and shiitake mushrooms. This is not fancy cooking but just simple home cooking that I can put in the freezer for little dinners through the coming weeks.

I hope all of you have a Very Good Weekend. 


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

It's A New Day And A New Month

May this New Day and New Month bring unexpected joy and beautiful life experiences your way , Dear Ones! I guess little Lily plans to continue being by my side! Cute!


Until I See You Again

Yesterday morning my Precious Lily told me that it was the day she would be leaving this life and would be going to the Rainbow Bridge and would be waiting along with My Special Man; Hans (His Schnauzer), Pixie (My Yorkie) and Puff (My Tabby Cat) for me to arrive whenever that time comes.

Hans (2013) The day He went to the Rainbow Bridge with Lily comforting him.

Puff and Lily taking an afternoon nap ( 2007).

This has been an extremely difficult time. Precious Lily had started having severe difficulty breathing. And she was no longer able to breathe if she tried to lie down. She had to sit up in order to continue breathing. She told me with her eyes that she couldn't stay with me any longer. We spent half a day together with me holding her up to my chest and carrying her outdoors for a little time while we waited for her veterinarian appointment at noontime. She was so cuddly and clung to me so lovingly. She traveled so well sitting up in her car seat and she was so ready to see our wonderful Dr. Ray. It had been one and a half years since she was diagnosed with heart disease and I am convinced without a doubt that it is because of Dr. Ray and his talent and compassion that Lily and I had this length of time together. Dr Ray telephoned me almost every Monday morning to check on Lily (and Me) during that year and a half and was very generous regarding the expenses.  
Lily meant the world to me. She was with me through some of the most difficult times of my life. Her loving tender care of me helped me so much through life's hard times. I will miss her forever but I know my grief is necessary and the pain of loss will lessen in time. I am so comforted knowing that she no longer is sick and no longer struggling for her breath.

What a beautiful life chapter I have been given by having this special dog, Lilithann sharing with me.


White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009