Little yellow blossoms on all five tomato plants . I don't want to get excited and won't until I see tomatoes . I was going to say red tomatoes and then I remembered that one of them is a yellow tomato and another one has almost black stripes on the red . Vegetable gardening can be so addictive with checking each day to see what new changes have happened . Hoping that there aren't any unwanted visitors . I think food gardening is more addictive then flower gardening . Maybe , because it can wake up your taste-buds.

Stay Healthy
Stay Safe
Stay Optimistic
Stay Happy
Acorn Squash
Another Daylily - what a lovely soft pastel color .
Not much going on around here . My solitary lifestyle is feeling more solitary !!! The world news is so disappointing with the numbers going up and not down . Human behavior can be so difficult to understand when it seems so logical that we really have a lot of power over the pandemic . I will just carry optimism in my pocket !
Three nights ago , we had some thunder storms and this was my view from the window just before the raindrops started falling . What a phenomena of nature !
Stay Healthy
Stay Safe
Stay Optimistic
Stay Happy