Sunday, September 29, 2019

Optimistic For Helpful Information

I have an appointment with a Hematologist/Oncologist tomorrow morning as recommended by two doctors to review my recent diagnostic records with a focus on determining a diagnosis of my current symptoms and enlarged spleen .  It is over a year since this process started and I want to be optimistic about gaining more information .  If a treatment plan is not indicated because of no diagnosis I plan to go on doing the best I can in all aspects of my life .  Can't sit around thinking about it .  I've got lots of things to do and I am a young 80 .  Sure, I continue to have physical issues that aren't easy to deal with and the aging process can probably explain most .  I think there are very few people who at a certain age can say they don't have ANY issues .  It is just the way it is .

When I was gathering some of my medical records I observed something I will mention to the doctor.  When the last lab report was reviewed by the doctor he said that the numbers were close to normal range . After I was able to see the report I noted that there are six components that are outside the normal perimeters with some higher and some lower in range. Not by much but none the less as I recall most ALL of my lab work in the past has been within normal range other than cholesterol and occasionally in the past, slight anemia .  On rare occasions if I was being treated for a specific condition the lab work may have had some deviation .

Unfortunately, it seems that these days the doctors don't have access to past medical reports in order to do comparisons or observe change in patterns which is important while determining a diagnosis . 

Hopefully, tomorrows appointment will be worthwhile !

We are having a beautiful bright sunny morning and everything outdoors is freshly watered by a brief thunderstorm that we had in the middle of the night .  Our next few days are forecast to be on the cooler side , like in the low 70's .

I just went out to take a couple photos of the house .  The way the house is situated on the land makes it difficult to photograph .  And, the house is kind of tucked into a lot of trees .
This side of the house is the most visible .  The door is for the garage.
We are really liking how it all turned out with the chosen colors .  With the many surrounding trees the colors seem to be just the right intensity . Lots of compliments from neighbors .  They continue to call it "The Happy House".
The entrance to the house has always been rather non-impressive . This is where the patio is. I enjoy decorating the patio with interesting  items to give a little personality . There are no windows on these two sides of the house other than the large bathroom window that you can see in the photo .  I had the window installed when I had the bathroom updated and that was about 10 years ago.  Oh, let me show a photo of the inside !  I really love the bathroom !!!
This is the bedroom side of the house with a lot of trees .
And, this shows how the front entrance of the house is not very visible from the front street .  If I was to design a house for this location it would be very very different .  However, I feel so grateful to be able to live here !!!

Happy Weekend !



  1. The yellow and blue house is perfect! It certainly fits your personality and outlook on life. It will be a very cheerful sight when the snows and gray skies come this winter. I will send you lots of good thoughts and wishes today as you move your way through the medical maze once again. Here's to getting some answers and solutions.

    1. Oh, Anita, What a lovely comment you have left for me about who I am! And, thanks again for your unfailing attention to my blog and me . Always wishing the very best for you and your family. Hope your recent trip was superb. Love, Mary



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009