Eventually, the hedge was cut down to the ground . The growth that was starting to grow was looking quite unsightly with lots of bare branches .
So I decided to have all of them cut down to the ground on both sides of the gate .
If they didn't grow I would deal with it - - - perhaps consider an attractive fence of some sort ???
But much to my surprise and delight , WOW , look at them now ! Every single plant is growing nicely and looking strong and healthy .
It amazes me how healthy they are . I had a little issue with the one side getting aphids . But, I think they did not like the water I was giving them . So , I stopped all watering of all of them . And, with a little organic spray the aphids no longer are a problem .
It will be nice to get a privacy hedge again . They are growing fast. A couple of them have even started to bloom . I took this photo today and you can see some of the newly painted garage . It should be completed in a few days . I am anxiously awaiting to see the blue shutters !
And - - - yes, yes, yes , the CORRECT tree across the street was cut down ! There will be a lot of wood for people who still use a wood burning fireplace .
The weather this weekend has been lovely . There is no question about it , FALL is definitely visiting. Hope you enjoy your weekend .
Oleanders, like lantana, take a heavy trim really well! We battle aphids on our hibiscus down here all summer long. Between spraying them off with water and using a diluted soapy water solution on the leaves, we are able to keep them somewhat at bay. The glimpse of the house is wonderful! I can't wait to see the full effect of the fresh paint!!!