Saturday, January 18, 2020

Modern Day Technology Brings Common Night Time Activity To Our Doorstep

This Past Monday Night these beautiful five Mountain Lions were viewed on a Home Security Surveillance Camera at a rural home in the next county about an hours drive (fifty miles) from my home .  Reportedly , they are probably a mother and her four cubs .

With the increased number of residence cameras more and more wild life will be observed . And, as the human population increases into their habitat we will see more .

And, on Thursday this gal/fellow was seen near the front porch of a home about a mile from my home .
We must be careful when out and about when we are out after the sun has gone down .  And very importantly , we must be sure our pets are safe especially at nighttime !

Closer to Home . This past week was the first time my security camera (which I haven't had very long) picked up an image at night.  It was a pretty large Racoon coming into the driveway from under the gate and walking toward the house .  When he heard the voice from the security camera he started to run ! My image of it was not clear enough to copy .  This image is from the Internet .
The striped tail was helpful in identifying it . I have always had small wild nocturnal animals around my home including skunks, opossums and mice .

Technology is putting a new spin on "guess what I saw" !

One more thing .  Can you help me ?  What is it .  It's  moving and breathing . And , that is unusual for a tossed blanket unless -------
there is a little cat named Ivy who burrowed in for a warm morning nap .  See that little black ear at the top of the photo .  She brings me so much comfort and delight !!!


Friday, January 17, 2020

Mission Accomplished

Yesterday was my follow up medical appointment with my Primary Care Physician . He is in the clinic only two days a week and the waiting room was crowded .  There was an hour wait before I could see the doctor . But that was OK because in the past he has spent inordinate amount of time with me when needed at the expense of the next scheduled patient and those after .

He first asked me what my first concern was and I explained my long endeavor to find a psychiatrist to adjust my antidepressant medication to assist me in living a much more comfortable life .  My Seasonal Affective Disorder has been getting much worse each winter.  I had done a lot of research and had copied some info from the Internet.  I was determined to get what I needed and that was my uppermost thought in my mind .  I knew I had to find a way even though he said it was not in his area of expertise and I would have to see a psychiatrist .  Clearly, the issue was that I could not find a Psychiatrist .  I asked if we could work it out together .  He knows that I am a retired Registered Nurse  .Before I knew it he was reading out loud from the computer medical data on medications for my issues . We determined that discontinuation of my current medication which is the highest recommended dose and starting the new medication at a higher dose than usually recommended for starting a new medication so I don't experience withdrawal which has happened to me in the past - - - and it was terrible .  My Mental Health (as they acknowledge now as part of Comprehensive Medical  Care) is a long life issue for me .

AMAZING to me He telephoned a Psychiatrist who counsels/treats via Tele-Help to review our plan and arranged a follow up Tele-Help appointment for the end of the month to discuss my progress.  I am feeling ecstatic and optimistic.

What more can I say for today .  Definitely - - - Gratitude !!!!


Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Snow Flurries Falling Nearby

 Lots of scattered snow flurries nearby for all the Snowbirds .  Also we have been having rain showers for a few days . It is great to get the much needed water in this slow manner with hopes of no flooding .

Not long ago , I saw this " suggestion " for people driving in the snow who clearly drive to fast .
What ya think ?

Just look at my sad winter garden !

I am not so sure I will be able to do much in the garden this coming year with the way my body/joints are feeling .  It looks like there will be a lot of work to do !  And, the other side of the house is a lot more work . I'll just have to wait and see how my body is behaving !
A couple evenings ago I decided to get some yarn out and do a little creating .  Ivy has been wanting to be very close to me lately - which is nice .  I was sitting at the end of the sofa and Ivy couldn't get as close so she jumped up to the arm of the sofa and put her chin on the yarn and fell asleep .  It was so sweet and comforting !

Until next time .


Monday, January 13, 2020

What Day Is It ?

What YEAR is it ?  OH YA !   It's Monday, January 13 , 2020.  The days are already flying past me .
I am not quite sure why but I have been in quite a Hibernation Mode . Not getting much done nor caring if I do or do not !  Of course the gloomy winter days are no help for me .  However , there have been a lot of nice sunny days sprinkled among the rainy grey days or just overcast days .  Why is today different ? Not quite sure but I may have an answer or not . Now that life has quieted down and the permeating holiday emotional overload is in my rear view mirror I have decided to start using the CBD-rich Whole Hemp Extract that in the past I had researched and purchased .  It has only been a few days and I decided to use a slightly lower dose - - - - - - - - - and it may be helping me to feel more in tune with life .  Too early to know but I am very hopeful .
It has been  several months since the last contact with my Granddaughter in August . And, I decided to give her a call the Monday before Christmas . I am so blessed that the phone visit went exceptionally well and we have been able to "mend some fences" .  She has had a very volatile relationship with her stepmother ever since she entered her life , about ten years ago .  Unbelievable dysfunction including emotional as well as serious physical abuse .  As my Granddaughter (age 27, happily married and a mother) is maturing she is finding ways to live without allowing any of these past horrible behaviors (mostly verbal as of late) to be a part of her life .  Prior to the past ten years , we always had a very fun loving relationship .  She says she will always treasure  those memories and she wants to have a relationship like we had in the past .  Oh , how happy that makes me !!  And she realizes how hurtful is has been for me to be on the receiving end of the "fall out" of such unnecessary despicable behaviors . Hopefully , I will be able to see her and my precious Great Grandchildren and her husband more often .
(Christmas Day 2019)
I really love this photo of their annual family visit (her husband's side of family) to the snow on Christmas Day .  Three generations including Grandpa in the middle , two sons , their wives and their families . My Granddaughter is on the far left .

It sure feels like my family relationships have been very sadly and severely influenced for years by outside sources that have an agenda . Malicious behavior I have received since my daughter married her second husband has wounded me severely .  Prior , we had a very close loving relationship .  And, my relationship with my son since his current marriage ten years ago has been totally devastating .  From the time of his birth it has been difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with him for  Reasons I have mentioned in the past . 

I think that following my laborious efforts in my life to find my way to enjoy a grateful life and the fact that my " sunset years " are moving along - what feels like quickly - I would like to make the effort once again to bring my little family together .  My son and daughter have not talked with each other for years .  Very very sad situation for all . I do not have a plan or idea of a plan .  It is something I must ponder for a while and maybe I can come up with something , maybe not .

Shepherding my little family with little outside help during the early days was certainly a very tough avenue to travel .  And the road traveled since , has been rocky for years.  I certainly did not anticipate the current  family dynamics !  When my mind takes me to thoughts of sadness I force my mind to to repeat in my head the words "Live in the Moment" - - - and it helps me to shift into gratitude and happiness for all the wonderful things about my life at the present time .
Great Granddaughter sweetness !!!

Sending Happy and Good things to all of you .


Friday, January 3, 2020

It Is A New Year

And, I am excited to move forward in what feels like new adventures and opportunities .
It is not that the past year was a "bad year" but it sure was a full - very full year in my life .  And, with that came tremendous gratitude beyond any expectation .  Primarily and most significantly is the BENIGN outcome of extensive diagnostics related to unusual physical symptoms which included an enlarged spleen .  It's a little difficult to revisit those months of working hard to live in the moment taking one day at a time . I am so thankful that I was given the knowledge, strength and guidance to approach all of the challenging medical tests and what seemed like endless discussion of Cancer with calm , courage and acceptance of what may be . I'm feeling well and have no idea why the multiple symptoms and enlarged spleen .

Around November I had to see a Dermatologist for a small skin lesion on my forehead that was not healing and seemed to be increasing in size . The doctor used cryotherapy liquid nitrogen on the spot and asked me to return in a couple weeks because she did not think it was anything other than a scar keloid . When I returned she said that she would have to do a shave biopsy and that it may be a skin cancer . So, again it was time for me to delve down inside and be "calm, cool and collected" .  I am very happy to tell you that I received good news when she called with the results . No Cancer !  She described it as a blocked pore .  My search revealed it to be "an asymptomatic, solitary , enlarged pore with a keratin plug and normal surrounding skin".  Additionally, I viewed a TV show describing  the same issue by a Dermatologist .  I am so fortunate with the results and the small lesion is almost healed without scarring .
I came across some interesting information on Numerology of 2020 that I thought I would share with you . What is the 2020 numerology effect on the lives of all of us ?
2020 - - - - Never before and never again in our lifetime will there be two 2s and 2 zeros in our date .

When two numbers are the same , they are considered master numbers because they have double power of the number . In mastery , the energy will have a pivotal effect in our lives and in the world .

2020 numerology focus

For 10 years we were in the decade of the " 1 " . One is all about ego, leadership and action . It is the yang energy of pushing forward your ideas . This is the time on our earth where we were asked to expand our beliefs and take the lead .

We can witness with our politics that there is much ego being thrown around .  Many belief systems have emerged to produce change. It seems as if the belief systems during this decade have been taking turns with what is right and what is wrong.

Master 2s in 2020
Now we move into the master 2s. The two is the yin — intuitive connections and sensitivity with a view of fairness. This outlook is far different from living inside of self. The two, in comparison, seeks relationship and duality. Two sides to every argument, we have the opportunity to look at the bigger picture.  We have the choice of reaching past the “I” into the “we”.

Master 0s in 2020

The master zero (0) is the magical energy of potential – that which has never happened before. It is ‘conception’ before it is fully realized— the vision of an idea or intention of what we want in our lives without its limitations.  We are in the womb anxiously waiting to be birthed.
How will you move ahead in your life with the new energy of intention and connection in all your relationships? How can you reach past the “ I ” of the ego — the “I can’t”, the “I must”, and the “I have to control”?
Instead, envision what you really want. Not how. See your vision happening and let go of imagining its form. But you have to be present in your life before anything can shift in the areas of relationships and potential.
Check out this link 2020 for more on Numerology , if interested .
Let's move forward with Love in Our Hearts for taking care of one another !


White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009