Monday, September 21, 2020

Couldn't Believe My Eyes

 Surprise - Surprise . 

Looks like we got a mama squash !
No baby bump on this guy .  He will probably fall off in no time .  

We will follow along day by day .  Gardening sure has it's level of excitement .
I don't believe I ever showed you this Peace Pole .  Love the sentiment .

And , the colors are great along with the color of my house .  When I saw it  - it was a done deal . Had to buy it !
My house sits on the corner and this is the side of the house that is viewed most from the street .  The house is kind of nestled under a lot of trees . Thus , the bright color is somewhat muted by all the towering green trees . I don't think this house color would work very well if the house sat out in the open .  Maybe , a little to bright !!! 

The front of the house at the front door does not have any windows to show you the blue shutters . The front door is around to the right at the patio entrance . 

The color says it all . I call it "My Happy House" !

Peace Be With You .  



  1. I just love your little yellow house with the blue shutters. And in my part of paradise the appearance of a wee squash would be cause for great celebration. Just like the first bell pepper of the season!



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009