Friday, September 25, 2020

Deliciously Beautiful Looking

Gardening Time is becoming Cooking Time

           Something so simple and So Good .
Lately , the recipes that I have been selecting to make seem to be recipes that have a lot more seasoning , like using "rubs" that present the opportunity to experiment with a lot of different flavors .  It's giving me a chance to ensure that my spices are fresh and not expired .  If they are , sometimes I use the " smell test" and if there is still good aroma I will use it and make sure I purchase a new one next time I shop .  Of course , the quite standard flavors of minced garlic , lemon juice and butter are pretty fail-safe and rich .  I paired it with some of the Royal Blend Rice that I had prepared a couple days earlier .  Some red pepper flakes gave the dish a nice extra little kick !

I recently talked about my sweet Ivy spending time with me in the kitchen and simply observing .  Well , once I brought out the shrimp to peel and devein , I heard a little pounce sound .  Ivy was off the stool standing next to me with her paws reaching high on the front of the kitchen cabinets below the sink !  And , Meowing - "I want some" .  It was so cute and really surprised me .  

Do cats really prefer fish ?  Allegedly , "although their sense of taste is not as distinct as ours , cats do have a superior sense of smell , and the strong smell of fish might be what attracts cats to it" .  I wasn't quite sure how I was going to appease her as she was quite insistent , so I just gave her whatever flavor kitty treats that I had . And , that seemed to be ok with her .  Back to her stool - she went .  She really is "good entertainment" !

See ya soon .


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White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
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