And, it's very special because my sweet Great Granddaughter turned One Year Old this past Sunday on the 24th.
She is a very happy baby!
And, she has a very very good mommy and daddy ~ and big brother.
Eleven months.
Ten months.
Nine months.
These "little love bugs" grow so fast. It seems like it is just a "blink of an eye" since she was born. I'm sure the party will be fabulous. Maybe, not as big as the First Birthday party for her brother! If you have children you know how life has its on season. It's a beautiful sunny day for them and a good day for an outside party.I have not had the opportunity to meet this little sweetheart and I will not be able to drive the three hour trip to and fro to celebrate with then. The little family is going to try to come up to the country and visit and go out to lunch soon after my Granddaughter graduates from university with her Bachelor's Degree next month!!!
My Granddaughter is quite remarkable (no bias here) with all that she has accomplished in the last few years. A great partner/fiance, two babies, full time student, part-time employment until after second baby, relocation to newly built home in area closer to her partner's employment (following his promotion) and all of this with lots of lengthy car travel. They seem to be a very good little team living the American dream. I pray that this nice but very challenging life will continue to shower them with the rewards of working hard to raise a family with values that seem so fleeting in today's society.
When trying to do a lot of tasks each and every day, priorities have to be determined. And, she clearly has chosen to be happy and save the fancy makeup and hair styles for special occasions. A big part of motherhood ~ don't you think!
April 2014
Celebration at Their Good Friends Wedding.
March 2016
Her 24th Birthday Celebration in Las Vegas.
Next Celebrations on their schedule is Her Graduation, their son's Third Birthday in June and then a Wedding. So exciting!!! I am not sure about the Wedding date. But, I sure hope I can make the trip! I am so very happy for them and very proud,.
We are having a sunny day in the high 70's but periodically throughout the day we have been having fierce winds that are quite cold.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.