And, the weather outside is delicious around the high 60's. More lovely is the fact that I feel less stressed than I have in a long time. All major appointments are behind me and lots of the annoying tasks which come with having your own home are completed for the time being.
The gate at the front of my home may give me "a false sense of security", but when it is not working which is very rarely I feel an undercurrent of slight unrest. I usually can maintain it by myself but the time had come for me to call in "the big guns". And, I did. There was a significant part associated with the electrical circuit pad that needed to be replaced. It had been seven years since I have had to get help. The gate was very expensive but it also has been one of the most "bang for my buck" expenditures. It was installed 22 years ago and cost me very little for maintenance since that time . When I had it installed way back then, I know their were a few comments. At that time there was very little fencing and gating in this area because it was a very quiet environment around here. But, as the world has changed greatly, so has my neighborhood changed. I took a couple photos to show how it goes across the corner of my lot. The gate is very efficient and does not have to have space to swing horizontally, but a vertical lift is perfect. Oh, and it is solar and remote controlled.

About ten years ago, the property across the way was purchased and a very nice large house was built with high-end amenities including custom made gating . The residents are exceptionally nice, friendly and helpful. I mention the house because you may notice the gate at the entrance to the road/ driveway. After their gate was installed I telephoned them and "Welcomed them to our gated community". They said thanks and we laughed ! ! Note. We are the only gated residences in the neighborhood.
Surprisingly, my White Cyclamen plant at the front door is giving forth beautiful large blossoms.
And, my cherished Puppy and Kitty Sculpture by Isabel Bloom sits nearby.
On Friday, I headed out through the forest and across the river for my much anticipated medical appointment with the Orthopedist. The appointment went very well. Much to my surprise the doctor remembered me from when I treated with him some ten years ago or so. After reviewing the MRI and other fairly recent medical reports he really did not have anything new that had not been discussed before. He was very kind, patient and gentle as he discussed surgical intervention with the caveat that he would not push surgery. We discussed all the procedures that I have already completed during the years and the reality is that if the day comes when I can no longer walk a Spinal Fusion of my lumbar area will be necessary. And, that would include the placement of metal rods with screws. A bone graft would be taken from my hip to use with the fusion. I say "Not yet!"
Prior to going to the appointment I spent some time thinking about what I would like to try if the Dr. did not have any new treatment modality that I am not aware of. I requested a Physical Therapy program to improve my core stabilization exercise program, Aerobic reconditioning and work toward a home exercise program. This would give me more strength in my muscles. In addition he gave me an order for acupuncture. I am certainly fine with trying acupuncture.
In addition, I have decided to start to take one of the narcotic medications cautiously and increase the dose in very small increments. I have to be patient with the initial side effects. It is not unusual for the side effects to lessen and go away eventually.
I know a couple people who have had lumbar fusion and I think I will contact them and see if they will talk to me and answer some questions about their experience. It is so nice to know that I have two doctors that both tell me to let them know if there is anything else I would like to try.
Wishing you a good week.