Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Another Christmas Past - 2011
Table Setting with Apples and Amaryllis .
I always enjoy the season with Amaryllis .
Friday, December 18, 2020
What A Good And Busy Week
I took this photo while it was raining , standing on the little bridge .
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Christmas Flashback 2010
Monday, December 14, 2020
What Ya Doin'
Sunday, December 13, 2020
It Is Raining
The rain is falling and has been for over a day . We really need the rain following the drought and all the forest fires but hopefully it will not be so heavy and long that we have flooding and erosion of soil and mud . We don't need that kind of a challenge . My heart goes out to the homeless people who struggle so much day to day . Do what we can to help through public service agencies !!!
Looks like I have some rescheduling to do for garden maintenance !
Happy Weekend .
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Tenacious Color
The garden/yard looks frightful ! It's that time of year .
But , don't say that to the pansies . Aren't they fabulous ?
Look how nice the Oleander Hedge on the outside of the fence is growing . It will be nice to have a little more privacy when it is taller . However , it has been nice when all the people that walk by give me a "hello" shout out .
The pansies even weathered through a little snow fall a few weeks ago . Like I say "quite tenacious" .
In all this bleak and drab look at all those bright and shiny faces . All I have to do to them is to periodically cut off the dead blossoms. So easy and so nice . And , the bonus is that I see them from my dining room window !!!
Thursday, December 10, 2020
What Happens If You Don't Drive Your Car Often
Well , you have to buy a new battery more often .
In the last 10 days I have had to call AAA for battery jump because of a dead battery two times . I felt that it was because I left the lights on or didn't close the trunk lid completely . Well , I can take away the blame because I have a dead-dead battery that needs to be replaced .
When the car isn't used very often , the battery does not keep a charge especially in the cold weather . I have an older car (1998 Chrysler Convertible) and it sits outside.Tuesday, December 8, 2020
So Pretty
This plant has three different colors . The Deep Pink at the top have not opened so far . And , White are at the edge on the left and the Red has been in full bloom .
This plant is a pretty shade of Peach .
The intricacy of the cactus flowers is so delicate . I have always liked them . I have had these plants for many years . The amount of care I give them dictates what they look like each year . Some years are better than others .
Sunday, December 6, 2020
I Don't Know How I Feel
But , I know I do Not like it ! Ivy has the right idea - - -
Dig deep and hide ? No , no , no . Got to face the dilemma and change it . It seems like so many emotions of life past are flooding my brain and it hurts deeply ! I have lived a long life and it seems that most every step of the way has been one of internal struggle that had to be camouflaged with a smile on my face . And , I now live with the reality of the damage that lingers following many years of working hard to find joy in my life . For understandable reasons the word ALONE is banging in my head .
Yes , it is a very difficult time for all of us with the heavy presence of Covid-19 , unlike any other time in our lives . Yes , my list of gratitude is almost endless . But , that does not supersede the emotions of the moment .
Even though I have written many paragraphs more I am going to stop here and refresh my mind with positive thoughts wherever I can find them .
Just one mention of Ivy and her DISLIKE of the new cat condo . She does not like it at all . Hiding in the bedroom . Has not run around playing since it came into her home . The carpet covering has a terrible chemical smell . It is so tall that I can not see her if she were to sleep on the top level . Can't return it . Going to set it out at the end of the driveway with a sign - Free . Hopefully someone can use it and it will be gone in the morning !
The sun is shining and I will spend some time outside even if it is just sitting outside watching the world go by . Hate to mention it , but my pain level is "off the chart" .
Looking forward to brighter days !
Happy - to Everyone .
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Vintage Salt And Pepper Shakers
It was so fun reading Teresa's blog (bottom of post) yesterday and enjoy with her the recent Vintage Jadeite acquisitions she has made. In my kitchen cupboard I have Vintage Anchor Hocking rippled glass shakers with tulip lids similar to her Jadeite shakers with the same lids . I have used my shakers continually since 1959 when I married !!!
This photo is from my blog in 2014 . See the shakers on the right ? And , they are still in good condition .
I was getting ready to make Tomato and Bean Soup .I have no idea why I have continually used these shakers through the years . It just may be because it has been easy to remove the lids if I wanted to use a measuring spoon to measure because the opening is nice and large . And , the shakers are rather large and don't have to be refilled often .Tuesday, December 1, 2020
The Mysteries Of Who Gets What
My Granddaughter and her little family of four have Covid-19 !! Now, Why ? Is there really an answer to that question that we will accept ? This family has followed the guidelines to full extent . Of course , just the fact that the word "family" is in my question is a possible factor .
Because of Medical Confidentiality they are not given information regarding route of transmission . The possibility is that the school bus driver may be part of the equation . He/she may not have even know if they had the virus.
The family all have symptoms that have been manageable and are practicing Quarantine Directives. The father is able to perform his employment obligations in management from home . And , that is a great blessing . Positive energy and prayers are welcome for complete recovery for all of them .
Of course , Science has a lot of answers to the question . And the Who and Why is a lot more of a Philosophical question that is above my pay scale for tonight .
But , what we can do is to follow ALL of the CDC Guidelines and take personal responsibility and respect and care for one another. Fractured compliance results in more deaths .
Show love for one another regardless of the adjectives that you use to describe that person .
Note . This is the day I was scheduled for knee surgery . I am so thankful that I have postponed the procedure . I do not want to be in the hospital for an elective procedure especially with the virus numbers spiraling ! And , this county is now in the PURPLE (most restrictive) tier for COVID infections .
White Garden 2009

Iris Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers 2009