Sunday, December 6, 2015

Winter Heating

As a home owner there always are tasks that need to be done in order to maintain good function and more importantly safety. It is recommended that Gas Fireplaces be serviced on a yearly basis by a gas service technician. Not every home owner can do that. So, I have had to reacquaint myself with the fireplace. I have been having difficulty with my thermostat which is probably because I have not remembered about some minor activity.

As long as I had to read the owners manual, I decided to do a little maintenance as well as a little cosmetic adjustment. When the fireplace was installed and any time I have had it serviced by a technician I observe what is being done and ask questions if need be, without being annoying!.
I removed the glass front which is heavy and gave it a good cleaning. Then I did some vacuuming of dust and soot.

Do you see the star on the next photo. Look at this nifty vacuum attachment that makes it easy to get into tiny spaces. It was free when I recently had to purchase a new vacuum. It is a Rocket Shark and the attachment is the home and car detail kit. By the way, I think the vacuum is great with tremendous suction!
The fireplace log display came with a product that creates a much more realistic flame flicker. It looks like a fluffy ball of dryer lint and it is called rock wool or mineral wool. It is a type of insulation. The small pieces of wool are  placed over the gas burner around the burner ports. When the fire passes through the rock wool, it becomes red hot and glows without melting or burning. This creates a look of  glowing embers. Anyway, the last technician apparently did not know what to do with the rock wool.
Do you see where the star is on the photo. That is rock wool that was resting in the slot that houses the glass front. I then placed it on the artificial log near the few pieces of rock wool that were in the proper place. It  is surprising to me how much more realistic it makes the fire look like a real wood burning fireplace.

I was successful in getting the thermostat working properly. It was just a matter of adjusting some switches. It is great that I now have it programmed for my schedule. And, now it is warm and cozy when I get up in the morning!

I guess it is a good thing I have patience or this post would not be here. This is the second time I have written it. Yep, like many of you know it is a dreadful feeling when your post goes willy-nilly, swoosh and into never never land. At least I now know many ways to retrieve lost data, unfortunately, none of them worked for me.

I hope you had a good weekend.



  1. Cheers on getting your fireplace cleaned, and the thermostat up and running to keep you nice and toasty warm. I looks like a great unit, and I can imagine how nicely the rock wool makes the fire look even more realistic! Don't you find it amazing that some technicians ought to know more than they do in their field of expertise?! I am never far away whenever any work like that is being done because, like you, I want to watch and learn, but also I am interested in making sure the job gets done properly, which I'm sure you do, as well! Love your little vacuum attachment ~ looks like the perfect tool for getting into small places. Ironically, I just cleaned our wood stove tonight! I do hate it when a blog post glitch happens. Glad you took the time to repost!

  2. Good for you tackling this job so successfully. Stay warm dear friend!



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

Iris Flowers 2009

Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

Pink Flowers 2009

Pink Flowers  2009

Yellow Flowers 2009

Yellow Flowers  2009