Wednesday, December 16, 2015

It Puts A Big Smile On My Face

A few posts ago I told you about my best friend who passed away a little over a year ago and how we always had so much fun together. Well, she knew there were some things that I did not want Lily doing. It was like talking to a blank wall. She adored Lily and would take care of her if I was away for a few days or weeks. In her eyes, Lily could do not harm.
Well, she lived close by and during the winter  months it was not unusual for my friend to come over in the afternoon for a Hot Apple Pie - just a little hot beverage with a little Tuaca Liqueur.
As you can see my friend paid no regards to "mama's rules"! Of course, my Lily was always delighted to see my friend. Because she knew it was always going to be a happy time - and even maybe, Happy Hour!
Good to the last little lick! It looks like she could almost get her nose stuck in the glass. But, it was oh, so good. What little she could get.
Let me tell you how to make a Hot Apple Pie. Heat some apple cider with a few whole cloves until it is a little hotter than you like hot tea. Pour into a glass and add about an ounce or more of Tuaca Liqueur. Stir and then top with whipped cream and a shake of cinnamon. That's it, so easy.

I really do have some wonderful memories of things that were so simple but sharing with a friend made it so special.

I think I have some Tuaca - - - maybe that would taste good this evening after some Polish Sausage Stew.

Stay warm, maybe with a little "hot beverage"?


1 comment:

  1. Adorable, silly, precious Lily!!! My husband allows our little man, Romeo, to do things he knows Mommy doesn't like, too! It's quite funny because the babies know who they can away with what, and still look at us with those big, innocent looking eyes! ☺ Romeo has developed a cute, naughty little habit all on his own though recently.... Whenever I call him to come for a potty break outdoors and he doesn't want to go, he looks at me, then turns away quickly and scurries his fluffy little body into his cozy "hut house" (it's really a cat cozy bed play house!), flops down inside and peeks out at me. It's the darnedest thing that just makes me laugh. He reminds me of a perpetual toddler! I think my mom and I would just love your Hot Apple Pie. I'll definitely have to show it to her sometime so we can whip one up for ourselves. You make it look so heavenly! ☺



White Garden 2009

White Garden 2009
IN MY GARDEN there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The Thoughts grow as freely as the flowers and the dreams are as beautiful. - Abram Urban

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Iris Flowers  2009
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. ~Dodinsky

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